Title: A Night at the Strip Club Part I (Part 9/? of
Viva Revenge)
Author: Thea
Witchiepooh Pairing/Characters: Draco/Hermione, Fred, George, Ron, Harry, Neville, Mitchell, Pansy and a few more "Special Guest Stars."
Rating: R (I'm upping this chapter to R because of language and adult situations)
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own Harry Potter or any of these
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Comments 8
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Heh, you know I think "Tom" did remind me a bit of Wormtail in this, so you never know!
And I think the information on Scientology from Wikipedia is actually scarier than anything I joked about in my story.
You know how I mentioned the subway stress in my other post? There's actually a "Free Stress Test" that's often set up in the Times Square station, run by Scientologists. I've never gotten the test because the copies of "Dianetics" piled up scare me away.
Is that bad? *eep*
But anyway, I'm glad you're still enjoying despite the wackiness :p
I mean, bad that you got a flamer, but I'm glad that it was over a pairing. Those are the most amusing ones.
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