Three adjectives that describe you: Mysterious, silly, geeky
Strengths: Mysterious, smart, sarcastic, passionate, determined
Weaknesses: I can be a bit lazy at times and withdrawn, as well as a bit proud
Any career that you've always wanted? I'd love to be a writer/comic book artist and spread my ideas out with the world, but psychologist is also good. I want to help people
Favorite place and why: Anywhere in nature. It's peaceful and inspiring
Fears: Being alone (though I'll never admit it), throwing up, heights
What kind of people do you tend to become friends with? Geeks. x3
Check all that apply to you:
[x] Prideful
[] Vengeful
[x] Silly
[x] Wise
[] Mature
[] Immature
[x] Compassionate
[x] Stubborn
[x] Easy going
[x] Confident
[x] Leader
Favorite old guardian: I like Nerissa's determination, Halinor's looks, and Cassidy's personality. :3
Anything else? Nope~! ^.^