Ah, the boys... ♥
Three adjectives that describe you:
a. Loyal: I stick by my friends, I really do. I love them all to utter bits and pieces. If someone does anything to hurt them, I retaliate.
b. Intelligent: Not to brag or anything... But I have been called that and I seem to have bits of sometimes useless knowledge at the ready... Or something... ^^;; And as a geek, it comes with the territory... :3
c. Optimistic: When things are looking a bit down, I'm the one to go "Well... Look on the bright side! :D" or something like that... I try to be that optimistic without annoying people... At least I hope so... ^^
Outgoing or shy: It depends on the social situation... Shy when I feel insecure. Outgoing when I feel happy and cheerful. I really do like making friends and have been described as sociable and amiable...
Easy-going or stubborn: Hm... A cross between the two? XD Okay, mostly easy going because I tend to be fine with what other people do and things like that... But when it comes to more serious matters, I can get very stubborn.
Understanding or a little selfish: I am understanding, to a good extent. I suppose I can really understand those who need it, those who actually want to be understood and those who I can relate to. But those people who go all crazy-emo-go-nuts! are just... Aaargghh... XO
Optimistic or pessimistic: As I said in the "3 adjectives" bit, I'm optimistic... ^^
Hobbies and talents: Well, I love making little videos and things... Like a tribute video for my best friend's sweet 16. As well as a project video that got us high grades and things like that... Singing and listening to music go hand in hand, of course. I love doing both... :) And hobbies like watching tv, reading, drawing and all that go into my world...
Strengths: Loyalty, optimism and also, I consider myself as a rather diplomatic person. If something needs to be talked over, I'll do it. Especially in school situations, I always try to approach a serious issue with the teachers with a little maturity.
Weaknesses: I can get a bit jealous easily... Really, it doesn't come as angry bursts of "RAWR!" but more like little things like pouting and getting all huffy. When I am angry and fuming, any provocation will result in me transforming into a fire-breathing beast from hell.
Dreams and ambitions: I really want to do something that will not only benefit me, but also others... It's a dream that I really do want to come true. *sigh* And I also want to be a vet, cliché I know... But I love animals so much! :3
Are you a sore loser? Hm, it depends on the circumstances of the loss. If it is unfair, then bring out the guns! *cough* Anyway, otherwise, I'm not much of a sore loser... ^^
Do you always follow the rules? Yes, I don't try to set out of line unless I really need too. But there have been some... *cough* Slips...
How easily do you give up? Not all that easily if I really want to push myself to reach my goal. I always try to persevere and get to it. Because hey, if I really want something, I should go for it, ne?
What do you look for in a girlfriend/boyfriend? I look for someone who's able to make me laugh, have a good conversation with me (over coffee at Starbucks perhaps? :3) and really love me for who I am...
Favorite W.I.T.C.H. boy: Caleb. Hands down. :3 He's adorable~
Anything else? Nothing much else, thank you~ :D