Title: But Maybe Author: ? Recipient: inell Pairing: Hermione/Lavender Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 3998 Summary: Things don't always go according to plan.
I am so in love with your Lavender! I loved the line about her showing up to work on time in a complete outfit still being a problem, and I loved that Hermione realized the utility of having someone very different from her in her corner. I loved the gaybar and the cattiness with the ex and the putting together an outfit from Hermione's clothing with a lot of effort. I love her slight melodrama tendencies, and most of all, "it's a very big desk" made me giggle out loud.
I like how well integrated the humor was in this, and how it's very *real* in that Lavendar does not immediately pounce and the hotpornysex does not commence, but you leave it open as a "maybe" in such a hopeful way. Really, fantastic! I would not have thought that this pairing could be developed in a canon-consistent, believable way, but you've definitely done so!
Oh wow, this is fantastic! It feels so real--the office politics, the uncertain ending, the characterizations. Fantasy-style fics are fun, but I'm loving this real-life version. Nice work!
Comments 8
I like how well integrated the humor was in this, and how it's very *real* in that Lavendar does not immediately pounce and the hotpornysex does not commence, but you leave it open as a "maybe" in such a hopeful way. Really, fantastic! I would not have thought that this pairing could be developed in a canon-consistent, believable way, but you've definitely done so!
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