Hurts like hell

Jan 15, 2006 05:04

Ok, so I've tried to contact these people that were living in my house. I don't understand what happened. I don't know why Rob and I are being ignored. I didn't think that they were this kind of people. I thought they were our friends. Now I just don't trust anyone anymore.

Supposedly her son is my godson, and it breaks my heart that with his birthday coming up, that I will have no way to give him a gift. I couldn't do anything for Christmas as we were totally broke, with the move and the expenses with it. I don't know what is going on.

I've emailed her, her roomate - who has now blocked me on MySpace, I've tried calling her boyfriend. He still has program disks of Rob's. We're never going to see them again I fear. And I still don't know what it was that I did that was so horrible.

I am mad, and hurt and frustrated. I had a verbal agreement with her roomate, and the agreement was that I was only going to deal with her. And any utilities was HER responsibility to pay and get money from the rest of them. It was agreed on verbally. Now they all say different. My fault for not putting it in writing before they skipped out.

I am left holding the bag. This woman, if you read my blog from day one, is the very same with her ex-husband, that she swore to me she knew nothing of the stolen check. Now.. I am not so sure... I want to cry. I let her stay with us, I wanted to help her get back on her feet. She lived with us for 8 months, I never asked her to pay rent or utilities or pay for food... not until like September when we couldn't afford to buy more food. We (Rob and I) were living with my mom and paying expenses there as well as maintaining the house in San Bernardino. She had a roof over her head... she had that. Then her friend moves into the house... It was going to be great, her friend would stay for 2 to 3 months, and that would give us the time we needed to clear out our stuff and clean the house. I've been hurting like hell with the fibromyalgia now that I am back at work, and the move was and still is taking A LOT out of me. So this was an arrangement to give us time.

Everything agreed on verbally, now come to find out that she had another friend living there without my permission... which is why he was there when her other friend came to live there. I feel so betrayed. Now my emails are being deleted and ignored and I've been blocked... and I want to know why. Am I so horrible???

I guess I must be, for letting her live with me, for paying for everything for months, for only ever making her responsible for food and keeping the house neat and clean in return for living there for free. I know that after I post this, she will be able to read it as she is still on my LJ friends list. I have not removed any of these people off... mainly because I still hope they are my friends and they are just... I don't know... pods of their former selves right now, and the aliens will bring my real friends back???

This has already been a stressful year. Rob spent the first 4 days of it in the hospital. We are stuck with a lot of debt... and I am sick now most of the time. Please aliens... bring my friends back... :( I miss my godson already... Happy Birthday K****. It seems like this may be the only way I get to tell you. Hopefully your mom will be gracious and pass along the message. I know he's probably too young to remember and that sucks the most.

Back to bed for me.
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