my year in twelve pics

Dec 31, 2011 20:29

Okay, so I love to take photos and so I thought I'd pick my favourite from each month. Yeah. Let's see how we go.


January: My Mum never lets me take photos of her, but while I was sitting in the pool taking pics of the sunset she randomly jumped out in front of the camera. I like it better like that anyway :)


February: Le family had the bright idea to organise some family photographs. Now, I love being on the other end of the camera, but you point it at me and I feel like you're trying to kill me. Out of seven kids, five cried. Me included. So while CC2 was still smiling I decided to snap this pic. The camera guy totally sucked by the way.


March: Photography class = going to the pools in stinking hot weather and taking underwater pictures. Which is awesome fun by the way. And Tash makes a great model. But I love those lessons. And now I have my own underwater camera it's so awesome :) Plus our old photography teacher came down just for the lolz or something and was giving us hints, which was awesome.


April: TC1 and BC2. I love them both so much, and they're both so beautiful. On the day this was taken, we had all joined forces to make a veggie garden for my Grandpa. We'd all been shoveling dirt and carrying timber and all that but she still found time to carry around BC2.


May: Was looking through my photos going there's really not a lot of photos from May. Then I remembered Cairns. Such fun but so exhausting. And this photo was taken in water about a centimeter and a half deep. Just to put things into perspective. :)


June: Okay, so not a lot of choice in the June section. I chose this one, however cliched it may be, because it was a great night. At the church group I help out at, we had a bonfire and a fire engine. And sparklers. It was a pretty good night.

As we didn't want the kids to get too excited about the fire engine, just in case it couldn't come, we didn't tell them. Didn't factor in frightened parents as they came to pick their kids up from the youth group and there was a flashing fire engine out in front. Oops.


July: Justin took me out to the Navy ships at the maritime museum. So much fun. I hadn't been on there in ages and ages but I had so much fun dodging Primary School kids :)


August: Upon telling my aunt I didn't know what I would do after school, she said: "Oh... well, you can make those bubbles out of the soap!"

Problem solved :)


September: [Some know, some don't so I'm explaining and plugging Steffi's hair a little] For my best friend's eighteenth, I decided that I would print out a nice pic of the three of us together and frame it. I soon realised there was no pic, nice or otherwise, of the three of us. So one dodgy photoshop session later...


October: Sitting out on the grass in the sunshine, watching all the helium balloons in the sky and making daisy chains. The way to live. Sometimes it's just nice to forget life.


November: I can't count the number of times I've played in this laneway. It leads to the park, and we would go every single time we were at my Grandmother's. We'd run ahead and pick the macadamia nuts off the tree and stuff them into hats, shoes, socks and prams, and then on the way back grab even more. And then it would be up to the older cousins, TC1 and I to crack them open in the vice in my Grandpa's garage. I love this laneway. :)


December: BC1 being utterly adorable. She asked me to help her with her bonbon and then we put the hat on and... she still kept it on all through lunch. The corny jokes flowed: what do you call a boy with a plastic bag on his head... Russell! and the cheap toys were passed around the room for all to see, and it was a really great day. :)


So that's my year. I hope yours was just as great. See you next year. :)

real life, 2011, life

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