I feel like that since we have a bunch of new sixth years on these that we need to do something to welcome them, don't you? Like mostly when I talk to them, I'm explaining privacy charms and it feels like I'm talking down to them rather than to them, you know? Which is silly since we're all NEWT students, we're the two oldest years in the school and they're only a year younger than us after all. And really something should have been done sooner, but I've been a bit distracted I only got the idea last night.
So - and I wanted to run this by you lot to see what you thought - I was wondering if a dance might be a good idea. Mum and Dad had the Yule Ball in their time, but we hardly seem to have anything and when you watch Muggle films American schools seem to have them all the time and we miss out and - it's so dull being British at times! Why can't we have more dances here? So we could have that or a party of some sort but the catch is that we have to take sixth years as our dates and they have to take one of us and so on. I think it would encourage us to get to know each other better since we're going to be seeing more of them, don't you?
Which professor do you think I should run this by? I was thinking Professor Hookum would be the most keen, since she's a bit of a romantic and I could throw in partner dancing or some sort of Muggle theme. Karin, any ideas? You're the organized one and if I do get approval for this, I'll be needing your help! Think of all the matchmaking you could do!
Well? What does everyone think?