Another meme thing; I'm too lazy to update.

Mar 20, 2006 17:34

1) Bold what is true about you.
2) Italicize what you wish was true about you.
3) Add one true thing about you to the end of the list.
4) Tag five LJ friends!

* I miss somebody right now.

* I don't watch much TV these days. [Yaaaa righttttt.]

* I love olives.

* I own lots of books. [Oh yessss.]

* I wear glasses or contact lenses.

* I love to play video games.

* I've tried marijuana. [More than once...]

* I've watched porn movies. [My friend was watching it! I was just in the room, lol.]

* I have been in a threesome way. [Kissing wise.]

* I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship. [Heavens no.]

* I believe honesty is usually the best policy. [Depends.]

* I curse sometimes.

* I have changed a lot mentally over the last year. [Who hasn't? We're always changing..]

* I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.

* I'm TOTALLY smart.

* I have broken someone's bones.

* I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal.

* I hate the rain.

* I'm paranoid at times.

* I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free. [Lypooooo. Or however you spell it.]

* I need money right now.

* I love sushi.

* I talk really, really fast.

* I have fresh breath in the morning.

* I have long hair.

* I have lost money in Las Vegas.

* I have at least one sibling.

* I was born in a country outside of the U.S.

* I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past. [Nails.]

* I couldn't survive without Caller I.D.

* I like the way that I look [sometimes].

*I have lied to a good friend in the last 6 months.

* I know how to cornrow.

* I am usually pessimistic.

* I have a lot of mood swings.

* I think prostitution should be legalized.

* I think Britney Spears is pretty.

* I slept with a roommate.

* I have a hidden talent.

* I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar I have.

* I have a lot of friends [or aquaintances, as I refer to them as].

* I am currently single and I hate that.

* I have pecked someone of the same sex.

* I enjoy talking on the phone. [Depending on whom I'm speaking with.]

* I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.

* I love to shop.

* I enjoy window shopping.

* I would rather shop than eat.

* I would classify myself as ghetto.

* I'm bourgie and have worn a sweater tied around my shoulders.

* I'm obsessed in like with my Xanga or Livejournal.

* I don't hate anyone. I dislike them.

* I'm a pretty good dancer. [Depending on what kind of dancing!]

* I'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.

* I have a cell phone.

* I believe in God.

* I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months. [Hahaha.]

* I've rejected someone before.

* I currently like someone.

* I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.

* I want to have children in the future.

* I have changed a diaper before.

* I've called the cops on a friend before.

* I am a member of the Tom Green fan club.

* I'm not allergic to anything.

* I have a lot to learn.

* I have been with someone at least 10 years older or younger.

* I am shy around the opposite sex.

* I’m online 24/7, even as an away message.

* I have at least 5 away messages saved.

* I have tried alcohol or drugs before.

* I have made a move on a friend's significant other or crush in the past. =x

* I own the "South Park" movie.

* I have avoided assignments at work/school to be on Xanga or Livejournal. [DEFINITELY.]

* When I was a kid I played "the birds and the bees" with a neighbor or chum.

* I enjoy some ALL country music.

* I would die for my best friends.

* I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.

* I watch soap operas whenever I can.

* I'm obsessive, and often a perfectionist.

* I have used my sexuality to advance my career.

* I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all.

* I know all the words to Slick Rick’s "Children’s Story".

* Halloween is awesome because you get free candy.

* I watch(ed) Spongebob Squarepants and I like(d) it.

* I have dated a close friend's ex.

* I like surveys/memes.

* I am happy at this moment.

* I’m obsessed with guys.

* Democrat.

* Republican. [A mixture of both].

* I am punk rockish.

* I am preppy.

* I go for older guys/girls, not younger. [Sometimes]

* I study for tests most of the time.

* I tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I’ve ever met.

* I can work on a car.

* I love my job.

* I am comfortable with who I am right now. [Kinda.]

* I have more than just my ears pierced.

* I walk barefoot wherever I can.

* I have jumped off a bridge.

* I love sea turtles.

* I spend ridiculous amounts of money on makeup.

* I believe in prophetic dreams

* I plan on achieving a major goal/dream.

* I am proficient on a musical instrument.

* I worked at McDonald’s restaurant.

* I hate office jobs.

* I love sci-fi movies.

* I think water rules.

* I went to college out of state.

* I am adopted.

* I like sausage.

* I am a pyro.

* I love the Red Sox.

* I have thrown up from crying too much.

* I have been intentionally hurt by people that I loved.

* I love kisses.

* I fall for the worst people and have been hurt every time.

* I adore bright colors.

* I love Dear Abby.

* I can't live without black eyeliner.

* I think school is awesome.

* I think pigtails serve a purpose.

* I don’t know why the hell I just did this stupid thing.

* I usually like covers better than originals.

* I don't like multi-textured ice cream.

* I think John Cusack is adorable.

* I fucking hate chain theme restaurants like Applebees and TGI Fridays

* I watch Food Network way too much.

* I love coaching youth sports.

* I can pick up things with my toes.

* I can't whistle.

* I can move my tongue in waves, much like a snakes’ slither.

* I have ridden/owned a horse.

* I still have every journal I’ve ever written in.

* I can't stick to a diet.

* I talk in my sleep.

* I've often thought that I was born in the wrong century.

* I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions.

* Climbing trees is a brilliant past-time.

* I have jazz in my blood.

* I would not be friends if they weren't family.

* I wear a toe ring.

* I have a tattoo.

* I love vaginas

* I can't stand at LEAST one person that I work with.

* I am a caffeine junkie.

* I know who Santos L. Halper is.

* I read trashy romance novels and I am ashamed.

* I love wrestling.

* I am completely tree-huggy spiritual, and I'm not ashamed at all.

* If I knew I would get away with it, I would commit at least one murder.

* I cosplayed or know what cosplaying is.

* I have been to over 15 conventions.

* I will collect anything, and the more nonsensical, the better. For example, at
one point, I really did try to Catch Them All. AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHY. 0___0

* I enjoy a nice glass of wine with dinner.

* I'm an artist.

* I have a goal to collect every Johnny Depp movie ever made.

* I am ambidextrous

* I sleep with so many stuffed animals, I can hardly fit on my bed.

* My computer has a name.

* If it weren't for having to see other people naked, I'd live in a nudist

* I have terrible teeth.

* I hate my toes.

* I did this Meme even though I wasn't tagged by the person who took it before

* I have more friends on the internet than in real life.

* I have lived in either three different states or countries.

* I am extremely flexible.

* I love hugs more than kisses.

* I want to own my own business.

* I smoke or have tried cigarettes. [Guilty as charged.]

* I have met a star from ABC's LOST.

* I spend way too much time on the computer than on anything else.

* Nobody has ever said I'm normal.

* Sad movies, games, fics and the like can cause a trickle of tear every now and

* I am proficient in the use of many types firearms and combat weapons.

* I like the way women look in stylized men's suits.

* I don't like it when people are unpleased or seem unpleased with me.

* I have been described as a dreamer or likely to have my head up in the clouds.

* I have played tennis with my non dominant hand before.

* I have played strip poker with someone else before.

* I read the labels on food, shampoo, and other things just because.

* I have emotional problems for which I have sought professional help.

* I believe in ghosts and the paranormal.

* I can't stand being alone.

* I have at least one obsession at any given time.

* I weigh myself, pee/poo, and then weigh myself again.

* I consistently spend way too much money on obsessions-of-the-moment.

* I know what THACO means.

* I have a signed Tom Servo head.

* I'm a judgmental bitch.

* I'm a HUGE drama-queen

* I was a Spice Girls fan and I'm proud of it.

* I have traveled on more than one continent.

* I sometimes wish my father would just disappear

* I have seen every single episode of more than one television show.

* I need people to tell me I'm good at something in order to feel that I am.

* I have met someone famous.

* I play/have played a tabletop RPG like D&D, Spycraft, etc.

* I have regretted the last five years of my life.

* I owe more in credit cards than I do on my car loan..

* I've never had to work third shift.

* I was able to make it through the meme without screwing up my tags...

* I read manga.

* I can bend my thumb backwards to touch my forearm.

* I spend more time with my Sims than I do with my real friends.

* I know that I have lived at least two past lives, but don't have any way to
tangibly explain it to anyone.

* I can speak (or at least get around in) multiple languages.

* I own every novel Danielle Steel has ever written.

* I can't sleep at night unless the TV is on.

* I find Angelina Jolie incredibly sexy as hell.

* I just got married.

* I can't help but move/dance to a song if it's rocking the way I like it.

* I played beer pong in college.
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