Supplying Tracy with extra work is practically tradition at this point.
Kate Daniels (
"I assure you, she's quite capable of protecting herself. She tends to
kick people in the face when she finds them offensive."
- Is from the Magic Bites books by Ilona Andrews. Set in a world not-unlike ours, except post a magic apocalypse that took place in 2010. Twenty-two years later most of the world is in ruins or fallen back into wilderness, monsters roam, and magic and technology are still battling it out. Magic is winning.
- She is seventeen and a junior, about 5'7", with very long brunette hair which is usually braided down her back and dark brown eyes with a hint of the exotic about them.
- Is from Savannah, Georgia, and while her accent isn’t strong because she’s moved around a lot, there is a hint of Southern in her.
- Kind of bratty and a complete tomboy. She often comes out with the first snarky, amusing thing that pops into her head, and gets herself in trouble because of it.
- Was raised by her adoptive father Voron with the sole goal in life of killing the man who murdered her mom when she was a baby.
- This has involved a childhood full of training. Brutal, nasty training, designed to make her into a sociopathic killer... It didn't stick. She's not always chock full of social awareness, but she's not going to go killing people for breathing her way either. However she is very good at it.
- Last year, Voron sent her on a training run in the wilderness, and she returned several days later to find him dead, disembowled by his own sword.
- She has many issues. SO MANY ISSUES. Mostly regarding everyone close to her dying horribly and her daddy finding out where she is. Paranoia. Oh the paranoia.
- In terms of raw magic power, she blows 99% of people in her world off the map. A different story in Fandom! People talk about her power feeling oooold. Her biological father is immortal, written about in the bible and sometimes assumed to be almost a god... She's inherited a few of his talents. Raising and controlling the dead and using her own blood as weapons and armor, amongst other things.
- Whether immortality is one of these ‘other things’ Ilona will not tell us. It's a spoiler. In other news: I love that she hops in and gives answers to all the weird nitpicky questions.
- Kate has had not so much practice actually using her magic. Mostly because the strongest part of it involves necromancy and toying with vampires and other assorted dead things, and she doesn't much like it. She... needs to work on getting over that.
- She does have a trace of Immortuus in her blood. A dormant strain of the pathogen that creates undead. She's definitely alive and not a vampire, but might feel a little funky to those with a sense for that.
- She loves her sword. A little too much, possibly.
- Canon share heeeere should anyone want to give it a go. It's addictive, I swear.
Chuck Bartowski (
"Maybe we should be introduced, I'm Chuck Bartowski: total loser, cheeseball addict."
- Is from the TV show Chuck! Which is an awesome fun little show that deserves far more love than it gets. It focuses on... strangely enough, Chuck! A electronics store employee who goes and gets a bunch of government secrets stuffed into his brain and drama and comedy ensues. My boy, however, is pre-canon, and knows none of this.
- Sixteen and a junior, he's over 6' (he's going through a growth spurt, eventually he will get to about 6'4"), lanky, and the younger brother of awesomebigsis. Same universe an' all. She is now home dealing with adult things like mortgage payment and trying to put herself through college.
- Has daddy issues. And mommy issues. And abandonment issues. But they are mostly covered in adorable goof, so you don't really notice them so much.
- He is a little bit of a nerd.
- ... Okay, he's a lot of a nerd. In that cute and dorky way that just makes you love him to pieces and want to ruffle his hair and take him home.
- The boy can BABBLE. Especially when he's nervous. It happens a lot around pretty girls and scary people. Doubly so around pretty girls who are also scary people. He runs into that more than you might imagine.
- Also a hopeful little romantic, even if it rarely works out well for him. By rarely works out well, I mean in canon he usually ends up with a gun against his head or thrown out a window, or... whatever else could possibly go wrong. Poor Chuck.
- Mostly, he's far too neurotic to actually act on crushes anyway.
- He's really just a sweet, funny guy, and a little too trusting and too naive for his own good. He thinks the best of everyone.
- One of these days he'll end up with that government supercomputer in his noggin and get embroiled in a life full of spies, danger and conspiracies. One day!
- For those of you who don't watch and don't know: Chuck NBC Promo, and have a Chuck Sandwich. <3
Elizabeth Stonem (
"And you're all… clear now?"
- Effy's 5'7", and my next lanky brunette, this time from British TV show Skins. She's eighteen now, and an alumni living in Bristol with her mum.
- She gives off a very intense vibe, talks very little, and watches that bit too long. Unnerving, sometimes.
- She is kind of in love with Alex Karev. I don't think two months and a few thousand miles will have changed that much.
- She's always been a horrible bad influence, and partied and used a seriously unhealthy amount of drugs.
- She had her reasons for this excessive substance reliance, those being some pretty major mental health problems, and the only way she knew to deal with it all was by muting everything. Quite possibly her mental illness has actually been exacerbated by this method of handling it.
- Until now. Finally finally, she's gone past the remainder of her canon (minus the truly horrible crap) and got some help.
- She's stopped drinking and using any non-prescribed drugs, will be wearing a lot less black, planning out her time to an OCD degree so she doesn't slip back to where she was, and is actually likely to be a lot easier to deal with.
- This is in part thanks to a strict regime of prescribed anti-psychotics and mood stabilisers.
- That and a few fast-forwarded weeks of therapy involving kittens, space hoppers and hitting people with pool noodles. Oh Skins.
- She's definitely not fixed, but its a massive improvement on making death-related collages all over her walls and listening to imaginary voices.
- A brand new and improved attitude and healthier mental state, woo!
- And for those of you that haven't seen this one: A gen one promo, gen two promo aaaand gen three promo.
Angela Montenegro:
flashesforinfo "Tell me you tried 'excuse me' first?"
- Is from Bones.
- Alumni of 2010.
- 19 and a student at Radford University in Virginia where she's studying fine art.
- Will be spending this year studying in Paris. It's canon. (I know, I know, usually a third year thing, I CARE NOT)
- Bubbly and personable, she loves people and parties and is a self-admitted good time girl.
- Was dating (and is undoubtedly still in love with) Hannibal King. Except he went all vamp and tried to kill her. That kind of messed them up a little.
- Is awesome and in my completely biased opinion the best thing about this show. I cut down on my alums recently, but it would take something EXTREME to make me part with this one.
- I'm Emma, I'm 23, and I'm thinking all of you know me already, but whatever. The trend must be kept.
- I live in England, specifically the Midlands, and on the totally non-mythical timezone of GMT.
- I can be found on LJ as binx_349 and Twitter as the same.
- I work at a hospital these days, and split my time between clinics where I stare at the back of people's eyes and desk stuffs where I also stare at the back of people’s eyes, except my boss sits riiiight behind me. Generally not really about until after 6pm GMT/Lunchtime in the US.
- When I am around and at home, I'm often distracted by housemates/my boyfriend/my short attention span/killing things in WoW, etc. So. Special brand of slowplay.
- I can be grabbed on email at 3.mackenzie[at]googlemail[dot]com or AIM at ihatefrills -- although I always forget to put up away messages, so if I don't reply it's probably because I wandered AFK without warning not because I don't wanna chat. If you ask me if I want to do something plotty, inevitably the answer will be a resounding YYYYY.
- I am 5'9", have two kitties (one who eats wires, the other who eats toes) and a gerbil and would live off candy if I was allowed.
I still don't think I have a type.
Except possibly 'brunette'...