I found it, finally, thought I had lost it years ago! :)
Writing, not suitable for everyone, sexual and/or offensive... Hence the cut!
I see her sitting in the back of the restaurant
At a table set for two but she's alone
She's twisting her hair around her thumb and forefinger
Glances at the clock on the wall, seconds ticking away
And she's drinking blue champagne
I wonder who she is waiting for so patiently
Looks like she's been sitting there for a while
I've seen her before but I can't remember where
Was it on a TV show or maybe on Broadway
Perhaps I just passed her on a street somewhere
Both of us on our way home to our ordinary lives
In our ordinary apartments and ordinary streets
But right now she looks all but
Sitting at the table set for two in the back of the restaurant
Twisting her hair, glancing at the clock on the wall
Drinking blue champagne
With her black velvet dress that reveals just the
Right amount of flesh to fill my mind with pictures of her
The dress torn from her chest and her hair fallen down
Onto her frail looking shoulders and
Out of that amazing creation that she got done only two hours
Before she came to the restaurant to meet someone
And she looks all but
I picture my hands moving all over her, inside her
Looking into her frightened eyes pleading mercy
And she's afraid to make even the slightest sound or move
For she knows she is mine now and reduced to an object like
A piece of flesh so totally dependent upon my benevolence
As I pull her towards me by her long black hair, which by now
Is tangled and kind of makes her look so... vulnerable I
Whisper something into her ear and she shudders and it
Turns me on and I slap her face again and again and again
And when I finally let my hands fall to my sides she is crying
Which for a second makes me feel a little guilty but then I look at her
Milk white flesh that's showing through the tears in her
Once so posh velvet dress and I am overcome by that
Raging need to possess her, to use her until there is nothing
Left that doesn't remind her of me
And she looks all but
Drinking blue