NAME: Nō Kaitō (能海斗, Noh Kaito) (as typical of Japanese names, the last name goes first)
ALIAS: Nou Kaitou (脳怪盗) (Well, technically, it's his legal name now)
BIRTHDAY/SIGN: June 18th/Gemini
AGE: 24
OCCUPATION: Owner of two nightclubs (+1 in progress); graduated from the university with a degree in business.
APPEARANCE: A rather friendly looking fellow. His dark blue-black hair is a mess on his head when not taken care of properly. It's cut rather short, but still borders his face before hugging to his neck and brushing over the collar of his jackets. His face is long and narrow, offset by a sharp nose and narrow dark blue eyes. He's a little on the tall side (6'2"), and his personal bearing certainly accents it.
While he doesn't care much for fashion trends (actually, if left to his own design, he would probably have rather bad fashion sense; his charisma makes up for it all thought), Kaito is always well-dressed, prefering rather expensive suits to anyone else's. He has on a tailored black pant-suit with thin creme pinstripes. Underneath, he wears a creme waistcoat and a dark red cravat over a black shirt. Kaito has a gold watch on his right wrist (he's left handed), and a gold earring on the top of his left ear.
LIKES: driving a hard bargain, martinis (shaken, not stirred), good dance music, hot chicks (and especially dancing with them if there is good music), critiquing other night clubs, cats, taking baths (with a martini), a good challenge
DISLIKES: winning too easily, pansy drinks (and beer), sappy ballads, abstract art, people who don't know how to take a hint
PERSONALITY: He is a very aimiable character, and easy to get along with. He's a very influential speaker, but is a terrible listener. His ex-girlfriend thought he might have been deaf in one ear, but he has perfect hearing. He just doesn't like to listen to you. That is one of the ways Kaito is able to drive such a hard bargain and became such a successful business man.
However, "off the record", he really is easy going, always with an (almost always) friendly smile on his face. It's not that he hates you--he's just probably better than you. He tries to treat everyone with respect, but sees kids as being "just kids". They're just... too short and unexperienced with life that it bothers him (especially the cocky little punks). Given the chance, he would be very quick to lecture children on the better things in life and why they should stay in school. Not that he sounds like an old man telling kids to get off his lawn when he does.
Kaito has an insane amount of luck, and is consantly winning bets that he makes with friends.
HISTORY: Kaito was the result of an affair his mother and with an old lover of hers. However, her husband didn't say anything and took in Kaito as his own son. The Noh family is very rich, but very traditional. They own several play- and tea-houses across numerous thriving cities; at a young age, Kaito was taught that he would take over the family business and became a very driven and persistant individual. He always earned top marks and had plenty of friends in school. He was involved with the drama club at his middle school, but couldn't continue during high school because he was asked to participate in the theatres that his family owned.
At seventeen, Kaito moved to Eminence to entering the university for business. He changed the spelling of his first and last name without his parents knowing to cut off remaining ties. It wasn't that he had anything against his parents, he just felt that it would be a good chance to start over again and become successful on his own and not the Noh family name.
With a group of equally determined friends, he started a small business. They opened a night-club in Eminence, drawing on influences from the tea houses and theaters that Kaito's father owned, but adding a modern and techno-phied twist. A second club was opened up in Eminence, and a third one is in the planning stages.
SPECIAL SKILLS: He's good at gambling, though he doesn't do it that often. Just mostly fun bets with friends.
OTHER: He's quite content to stay in Eminence, despite learning about everything from Project Alice. He's kind of going along just for a great challenge.
QUOTE: "Yes, but I can do it better."