1. Catoir Altair
2. Ayn Starling
3. Jonas Quinn
4. Zoné Altair
5. Jun Zhou
6. Lysander Stavros
7. Liala/Lionel Darcy (cheating)
8. Rhys Darcy
9. Kaito Nou
[3]x[9] : Jonas x Kaito.
- I'm actually planning a scene with the informants. And Jonas drinks and starts complaining. Kaito doesn't really hit on him but he's kind of just "pretty human" sexual. It would be luls, actually, but I don't know how Jonas would respond to Kaito. He's certainly no Catoir xD
[4]x[1] : Zoné x Catoir.
- I was afraid this was going to come up. They're brothers. DON'T. GO. THERE.
[2]x[7] : Ayn x Lionel.
- hahaha wouldn't work. He's not mature enough for her, nor adventurous enough. He's too geeky and wouldn't pay much attention to her.
[5]x[8] : Jun x Rhys.
- Just like the movie question from the previous meme. It would be awkward and just... not really work. If he was younger and had bit less of a stick-in-the-mud personality, she might actually consider it though.
[3]x[4] : Jonas x Zoné.
- HAH NO THIS WOULD NOT WORK. You cannot replace one Altair for another with these two. Ohgod most certainly not.
[6]x[1] : Lysander x Catoir.
- Hmm. Hmmm.... While, no, it wouldn't work, it would be interesting to actually have them even interact. Because I don't have any ideas with just the two of them. Looks like this must be amended.
[9]x[2] : Kaito x Ayn.
- HAH ohmygod. He'd treat her like a lady, of course, and probably spoil her. But she does NOT do the drinking bit of his character. And as much as he would coddle and spoil her, she would not like him xD I mean, this is Kaito.
Let's try some triangles!
[1]x[8] x[5] : Catoir x Rhys x Jun.
- ....................... I... don't even know. They would just be quiet. Jun would be too nervous and jumpy around them (since she's sort of intimidated by Catoir) and Rhys is just rather ":||||"
[3]x[7]x[6] : Jonas x Lionel/Liala x Lys.
- I don't know if Lia or Lio would work for this one. Jonas donesn't understand Lys ("I mean, Ayn? REALLY?"), and either one of the twins... well... Jonas wouldn't like them. I would think Liala could be infatuated with Lysander, but Lionel would just find him kind of interesting.
Would [2]x[8] be breaking any canon relationships?
- Ayn and Rhys? Yes. It would be. Most certainly. Awkwardly, too. he's not her type. Come to think of it, he's not anyone's type. Unless you get Kaito drunk enough, then, well.... Who knows.
How long would you give [3]x[5] to last?
- Jonas and Jun? Hardly long at all. He would find her interesting for about two minutes and then move on to Catoir.
Is [7]x[1] platonic, romantic, or a disaster?
- Either of the twins with Catoir. They don't interact with Catoir all that much, but when Lionel gets a glimpse at what Catoir's skills are he's rather impressed. Liala would find him too intimidating, too.
Think anyone on your f-list would ship [6]x[2]?
- Lysander and Ayn? I do. They're canon 8D Hahaha yay one question that makes sense!
Bonus: What's your favorite potential couple from this meme?
- Hmmm.... I would just go for (non-romantic) Lysander and Catoir. Because it makes me want to plot with them now. Being awesome.