Romana - Donna has always been a very capable person, despite what her mother might say. She has a tendancy towards gossip, it's true, and sometimes she lets her emotions get the better of her, but she is smart, adaptable, brave, and caring. And now she's a Time Lady, which adds a whole new set of equations to the mix. This person is the one that Donna can go to when she's sick of other people just not getting it. They might initially see her as not up to par, but though she might not be a genius, she's perfectly capable of holding her own against them. She'll hold them up when no one else can quite manage it, and they'll be there to do the same for her. There's no romance to this relationship, just friendship, partnership, and kinship. [The Doctor (
TARDIS - Donna needs someone she can always confide in. Someone she can trust, who won't judge her, regardless of what she might say, think, or do. Back home, that person was her Gramps, the only person in her life growing up who didn't nitpick her every flaw. But she needs someone like that here, so she doesn't go mad trying to deal with everything that's happened, PLUS dealing with the Doctor. This person will be her best friend, for all intents and purposes, and will be the person she turns to when things are getting too much to handle. She'll also be a shoulder to cry on, someone to be there to listen or stand for or gang up with. [Gwen Cooper (
The Rani - Donna is a new Time Lady. She's thirty-two years old, but has only been a Time Lady since she fell through the Rift. She hasn't quite gotten a handle on her own mind just yet, and she has trouble controlling her psychic powers and her omnitemporal knowledge. For anyone with a bit of psychic power (or, really, just the right drugs), it would be painfully easy to get her lost in some other time and some other place, or to test just how far her mostly-uncontrolled abilities go. This person wants to play with her (not necessarily even maliciously, even), and once she's under their thumb and lost in the past, the future, or someone's mind, she'll find it hard to fight her way back out. [1 opening]
The Master - Everyone's got someone that they just don't get along with. Their moralities and opinions just clash too much to quite get along. This person might be evil, might've hurt someone she cares about, or they might even be (theoretically, at any rate) on the same side. But Donna doesn't agree with their morals and she doesn't agree with their goals and if she disagrees enough, she'll do anything in her power to stop them. [1 opening, pending plot advancement]
The Daleks - These people are those that Donna hates. They are evil, they hurt her friends, and it doesn't matter what might happen - she wants to see them punished, if not killed. It takes a lot to get Donna to hate, but these people will push her to that point. [Multiple openings to non-angels]
The Companions - Donna is a social person by nature. She tends to make friends quickly, and will talk pretty openly with them about most parts of herself. They're not as close to her as her confidant, but she cares about them deeply (as she's wont to do), and they (generally) care about her quite a bit. She'll protect them fiercely, learn from them what she can, and help them in any way possible, even if all she can do is bring tea. [Multiple openings]
Sarah Jane and Rose - It's inevitable, of course, that at some point, someone will fall in love with her. And most likely, Donna will fall in love right back. This person is very dear to her, and she would risk anything to protect them. The trouble is that she's now got a life expectancy of at least a couple thousand years, and everyone else, unless they're also Time Lords... well, don't. She'll care about them and push them away, all at the same time, which will make for some serious mixed signals, and in the end... well, whether the story has a tragic or bittersweet ending is up to how stubborn both of them are. [1 opening, male only at the moment]