Without You is How I Disappear

Oct 17, 2010 23:11

Title: Without You is How I Disappear
Author: heroes_and_cons
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: R for language
Word Count: ~1,862
Synopsis: AU Frerard, in which Gerard has the ability to time travel
Disclaimer: do not own, etc etc. thank you ellipsisaddict for the idea :)

there's things that i have done, you should never know )

!rating r, !frerard

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Comments 8

ellipsisaddict October 18 2010, 03:20:46 UTC
have i mentioned lately

that i love you



this was everything i was picturing :333333333

gerard that is not how you solve arguments >:[[[[[[[


heroes_and_cons October 18 2010, 03:25:24 UTC

lmao scold gerard xD


alt_3_etf October 18 2010, 09:42:32 UTC
I hope this isnt a 1 shot!


roketmuffin October 18 2010, 19:19:27 UTC
omg @__@ that was so cute you cant fix problems likee that gee!! but it was cute that he wanted to fix it like that ! there has to be a second part im curious to know how frank will die and if gee will alter the past so frank wont die 10 stars!!


liescontinue October 18 2010, 22:49:15 UTC
this was just beautiful. i loved it. ♥


sakurashakedown October 19 2010, 01:10:28 UTC
This was wonderful
Loved every word of it :)))


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