this weekend was swell my mom was gone and i had the house to myself everyone spent the night over the whole weekend my tattoo is almost all the way healed up by next weekend i will be able to get back in the water
wow this year feels like it went by so fast. alot of shit happened this year. some was good and some was bad. im never going to forget these times no matter what
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went surfing today with miggy p, ren z , westy. coming home and taking long hot showers after being in 56-60 degrees water feels really good. then fell asleep around 5:30 and now im up.
i just woke up about an hour ago. yeah i know its almost one in the morning. im like a fucking vampire. i sleep all during the day then stay up all night and then i try to stay up all during the day so ill be nice and tired that night and get on a regular sleep schedul, but i usually end up falling asleep like at 2 or 3 in the afternoon. owell
so im in the folio weekly twice and u can see the back of james head and his hat. they took pics during dead to fall and remembering never a couple of weeks ago. STEVE EDGE is on the front cover. pretty sweet pic too.