Not gonna file you under latest nostalgia or happily ever after

Sep 15, 2014 20:32

I've had Spence on the brain for a few reasons lately, and then I stumbled across a writing project I began in his voice. I forgot how entertaining he is to write.

Some snippets (warnings for curse words and really awful grammar and spelling):
"hi. i'm...your narrator, i guess. names are a bit complicated. my first family gave me two, one of which stuck, and my second family gave me another before most of them scarpered off. There's a polar bear out there somewhere who carries Captain America's shield and calls me Bucky, if that helps any.  i'm 22 at best guess, i've died ...god so many times, but it hasn't stuck yet. i'm a gay virgin with two kids on the way and i'm pretty good at blowing shit up.  anything else you want to know?"

"light and dark. not good and evil. get your head out of your ass. folk tales and legends about magic beasties have always had a light and dark side, and you're just as likely to get fucked by the fun-loving party people as by the gloating glittery villains. don't get me wrong, i've never met a wonder being i couldn't see chilling with and that includes that dickwad known as the Lord of Being a Shit-tastic Host (disclaimer: AVOID THAT DOUCHEBAG AT ALL COSTS. SRSLY. 0/10 DO NOT RECOMMEND. my standards are SUPER low) but every time someone brings up glamour v. nightmare the whole 'not in balance or opposing or good/bad, just different' is like standard. ive had to sit threw it at least eight times. but anyway fear is...pretty normal and a helluvalot less painful than hope, in my experience. both are necessary. both are human. neither are wrong."

Mostly I'm writing up his backstory and some of his time at Temple from his perspective, but if any Endgame folks have stories they'd like to share (I'm missing big chunks of even the ones I was there for), I'd be interested in hearing them and then in writing them up Spence folktale style. (Or just hearing them if you can't stand to see the little engineer librarian butcher them. :) )


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