Batman series mood theme, featuring: Batman Forever, Batman & Robin, Batman Begins & The Dark Knight!
Accomplished / Giggly / Bored / Pissed Off
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Full Preview How to install a mood theme for all accounts (by crackified) .PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT IF YOU'RE TAKING! This took quite a while and it's my first mood theme, so I need all the feedback I can get.
.CREDIT ME in your userinfo or somewhere if you use, please.
.Most of all, ENJOY!
Also, let me know if I messed anything up in the zip folder/anywhere else. This is my first time posting a mood theme, and accidents happen, especially to me.
And if you're here and you're a Batman fan, go make my day and check out
batcons! LJ's first and only Batman-graphic community. [/endpimp]