I can post a little early, because everyone entered :) Results from this poll and the new Lims Challenge will be posted on Sunday after 9pm
Central Time. If you need to refresh yourself on the general rules and procedure, see
this post.
1.) Keep icons anonymous until the end of contest.
2.) You're voting for two (2) icons you like the least and one (1) icon you like the most.
3.) Please give reasons for your voting, for both you favorite and least favorites. (
See the guidelines for voting here)
4.) Use the following form when voting. Replace "00" with the icon you're voting for and replace "Reason." with your reason!
5.) You may vote against yourself here, if you so desire, but you may not vote FOR yourself.
6.) Votes will be ADDED together. Results will be posted on Sunday, along with the new challenge.
7.) If you do not vote properly, your vote will not be counted! Feel free to resubmit it if you think it could be improved.
- Reminder: What to take into account when voting:
* Main focus (what where the makers told to focus on? does it show?)
* Colouring (is it too much? is it too little?)
* Cropping (can you make out what the icon is about?)
* Image quality (too sharp? too blurry? too dark? too bright?)
* Use of text (placement, font, etc)
* Use of textures (is it overpowering? does it blend well with the rest?)
* Use of other techniques (not all techniques fit all icons)
* And remember, it should be constructive critics!
Lims Challenge 9: Complex Icon 01