Icon Talent

May 17, 2006 22:30

I thought it would be a neat idea to keep a running list of the icon talent in the community (and their icon journals). This list is linked in the sidebar of the layout.

1.) You have to be a current member to be on the list. If you leave the community, your name will be removed from this list!
2.) You must have won at least THREE awards at wizard_icontest. (see awards below)

Awards Include:
1.) All places in regular challenges (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Mod's Choice)
2.) LIMS awards, like favorite icon (also overall winner ♥)
3.) Icon of the Month ♥ (also icon of the year ♥)

If you'd like to be included in the list, just comment with your username and/or where we can find all your icons, whether its a website or an icon journal. I'll also need to know how many awards you've won so far. If you don't know, check the results in the previous challenges.

Once you're on the list, your tally will be updated automatically each time you win an award.

NOTE: This list is normally updated on Wednesdays, so it may be a few days before I can get back to you!

alexia_drake »»» alexia_drake »»» 308 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
lil_pixiedevil »»» lil_pixiedevil »»» 122 ♥ ♥
stepinsidelove »»» Photobucket Account »»» 115 ♥ ♥ ♥
whiteroseofdark »»» whiteroseofdark »»» 108 ♥
sweet_pink_paw »»» sweet_pink_paw »»» 94 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Username »»» Icons Location »»» Awards
_puchula_ »»» icomatic »»» 32 ♥
_tiggingwithdom »»» _tigicons »»» 5
aeris_eledhwen »»» hufflerin »»» 11 ♥ ♥
alexia_drake »»» alexia_drake »»» 308 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
alwaysawkward »»» stealthe_world »»» 33 ♥
amethyststeam »»» everglow_icons »»» 4
appledoodle »»» appledoodle »»» 12
aravishermione »»» aravishermione »»» 7
beauty_untold »»» littlesoulideas »»» 8
beybey16510 »»» xsimplysarahx »»» 17 ♥ ♥ ♥
blackwing_angel »»» blackwing_angel »»» 6
bubblegumpops92 »»» bubblegumpops92 »»» 14
cherryclouds »»» colormered_cons »»» 3
churro1029 »»» churro1029 »»» 11
cifan70 »»» tempted_grafix »»» 21
citruswaves »»» citruswaves »»» 5
cleansweep7 »»» cleansweep7 »»» 7
crusading_soul »»» ironteakettle »»» 6
ctr4ever_8 »»» accio_icon »»» 7
curtana »»» iconsbycurtana »»» 23 ♥ ♥ ♥
devline »»» devline »»» 10
devon380black »»» devon380black »»» 13
distressedicons »»» distressedicons »»» 5
dolphinsmile18 »»» dolphinsmile18 »»» 37 ♥ ♥
dracosgoddess »»» dracosgoddess »»» 5
driveshaft108 »»» driveshaft108 »»» 5
essenceofadream »»» beyondbrilliant »»» 11
fahrenheit1993 »»» share_credit »»» 7
fairylights4189 »»» fairylights4189 »»» 4
fatesong »»» ceruleanapathy »»» 23
fightclubs »»» fightclubs »»» 44 ♥ ♥
fleur_de_mort »»» in_fast_forward »»» 4
fragiledelirium »»» fragiledelirium »»» 19 ♥ ♥
galaxyy »»» galaxyy »»» 11
gamma_wow »»» gamma_wow »»» 75 ♥
germelientje »»» germelia »»» 4
ginny_lv_harry »»» ginny_lv_harry »»» 51
gone_crazy19 »»» serpensortia_19 »»» 8
hpnarnia »»» hpnarnia »»» 24
iconsbywong »»» iconsbywong »»» 7
iiconic »»» iiconic »»» 14
imisspadfoot21 »»» imisspadfoot21 »»» 4
januaried »»» januaried »»» 8
jedisakora »»» jedisakora »»» 53
juliemary1989 »»» juliemary1989 »»» 9
kasiopeia »»» kasiopeiaicons »»» 4
kimaginethis »»» fanfemme_icons »»» 14
kirjava17 »»» kirjava17icons »»» 20
lautjuh1 »»» addicted_smiles »»» 8
ledbylove »»» pezwitches »»» 9
lemonlimelight »»» lemonlimelight »»» 9
lil_pixiedevil »»» lil_pixiedevil »»» 122 ♥ ♥
madje85 »»» madje85 »»» 20
malibu_xo_rain »»» malibu_icons »»» 27
meg_n_cheez »»» honkforicons »»» 4
miravisu »»» miravisupixels »»» 10
mscellym »»» icon_collide »»» 13
mymorphine »»» cereal_killerz »»» 25 ♥ ♥
narniacmr »»» narniacmr »»» 8
nihilious »»» aeternalflight »»» 29
novindalf »»» split_loyalties »»» 18 ♥
padfoot_freak »»» heva_icons »»» 6
pairodocs »»» pairodocsical »»» 15 ♥
phantomberkanna »»» berkicons »»» 11
pointblankdarcy »»» pointblankdarcy »»» 16 ♥ ♥ ♥
polar_ice_cubes »»» polar_ice_cubes »»» 50
red_planet31 »»» red_planet31 »»» 16 ♥
rhye »»» shikon_icons »»» 85 ♥
roxybaby2414 »»» mowd_icons »»» 45 ♥ ♥
salphone »»» saartistry »»» 19 ♥
shameless666 »»» mundodefieras »»» 68 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
sodoesrachael »»» breakthesky89 »»» 13
starry_night »»» starry_night »»» 33
stefycarter »»» stefycarter »»» 23 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
stepinsidelove »»» Photobucket Account »»» 115 ♥ ♥ ♥
stillxmyxheart »»» _grantedglory »»» 14
suicide_bee »»» suicide_bee »»» 6
sweet_pink_paw »»» sweet_pink_paw »»» 94 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
sweytie_piy »»» sweytie_piy »»» 64
swithers »»» farawaygraphics »»» 6
tashakalaka »»» pink_jelly_art »»» 4
that_was_cheesy »»» potterishicons »»» 21 ♥
truthanderror »»» seraphim_icons »»» 9
uglybusiness »»» uglybusiness »»» 5
utkari02 »»» chick_pics »»» 28
valliegurl »»» valliegurl »»» 71
whiteroseofdark »»» whiteroseofdark »»» 108 ♥
willowcanne »»» willowcanne »»» 62
wizards_pupil »»» wizards_pupil »»» 15
xdracoxfanx1 »»» xdracoxfanx1 »»» 30
xeyra »»» xeyra »»» 4
xlouder_now »»» xlouder_now »»» 6
xonlyashesx »»» xonlyashesx »»» 19 ♥
xxlov3ly »»» jadorex »»» 4
yodaisbetter »»» nonsensicalexis »»» 24
zestyzorra »»» snowybranches »»» 9 ♥ ♥

This list was last updated on January 11, 2015 after Icon of the Year.


Comments will eventually be deleted after being added to the list.
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