1. Name: Rachel
2. Age (no one under 13, please): 19 .. Turning 20 in a few days.
3. Location: Canada. ;;; -24 .. ITS COLD..
4a. Three positive adjectives to describe yourself: Friendly, caring, realistic.
4b. Three negative adjectives to describe yourself: Stubborn, lazy (procrastinator. I've been getting a lot better though.. at least in comparison to before), honest. (Can be a good/bad)
5. If you could live anywhere in the world for one year, where would you go, and why?: New York because that's where I imagine myself in the future (work) however, I want to see if i can tolerate the way the city is, compared to my little city I live in now. I want to experience whether I can catch up with NY.
6. Explain the significance/meaning/origin of your username: ......Mandarin orange juice? ;n; hahaha. I really don't know why I created this one... I have had many usernames, but this is one of the less significant ones by far. It's there, it stuck with me, it's .. kind of cute. Maybe. Not really. But I don't dislike it? :)
7. What's your favourite holiday, and why?: Christmas. The atmosphere is so proper. The weather is chilly and snowy here, and I just want to line up and wait for Santa Claus to get a picture taken by him. I like wrapping presents, and giving presents, and receiving too hehe ;n; even if it's not the most useful of gifts I ever receive. ;; I get to just sit there on my bed cause there's no school. *sighs* Everything's just right about it. The colors are nice too. The music. -rambles-
8. Favourite three books (besides Harry Potter): Illiad, Black Beauty, Little Women.
9. What is or was your favourite and or best subject in school? Oh I looooved Art. That was just the class where I could have fun, and relax and do what I liked the most.
10. If you could ask JKR one question, what would it be? Which particular bit of the story was the most painful to write?
11. Which of the Harry Potter books is your favourite, and why?: 4th. I fell in love with that book, kept tabs on the majority of chapters I liked with sticky notes, and by the end, I had so many notes sticking out of that book. It's quite a sight. I just adored the Yule Ball, and everything. Cedric is one of my favourite characters within the Series of the books, and it was a sad sad book for me to finish.
12. If you could have the power to perform one spell, and only one spell, absolutely flawlessly for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? Accio. Because. I lose. Everything. Everything. I climb up the stairs 5 times to get something I forgot, because everytime I get back up there, I get distracted by something else.. ;
13. What House do you honestly think you'd end up in, and why?: I'm definitely not the most intelligent, though some parts of me are.. mildly Slytherin. I get jealous easily, but it usually doesn't get the better of me.. My mind just twists itself, and I end up doing some things I regret. I am quite impulsive, I'm not afraid of just letting loose.. However, I am quite friendly. I usually get along with majority of persons, immediately, except for some people that I just get a bad/wrong vibe from. I think I'm a bit more Hufflepuff-ly? haha.
14. Are you willing to accept cross-gendered votes/stamps?: Yes.
15. Anything else we should know?: I don't know what I haven't already rambled on about lately. Haha. Oh I'm obsessed. With a stuffed bear. *hugs it* I'm such a child. It's like my baby. *sniff* ;
16. Please post at least three clear pictures of yourself: