Who: Rita, anyone
When: Wednesday, Oct 17
Where: Sitting room
Rating: TBA
Summary: Rita picks up a paintbrush and wants a subject
Status: Incomplete
Rita's throat was sore. She had a mild case of sniffles, but she didn't care. She'd been keeping up her vegetable intake while she was in here - not like Neville, who seemed to have been existing on the alcohol diet before he got sick - and she was drinking plenty of hot tea.
It had been worth it. She wasn't sure if any of the others had noted their absence on the afternoon in question. No one had said anything if they had, and she really didn't care either way, but it amused her liaison had gone unnoticed for so long the first time. She'd be even more so if no one had missed them during the second round.
The box on the table couldn't have appeared at a better time. Giving everyone something to do instead of drink and talk and spill their secrets. Giving them focus. Rita was particularly interested in the set of paints.
She'd never really tried drawing. Not since she was five years old, anyway - Hogwarts had never had any classes on art - magical or otherwise - while she was at school. There'd been a social club interested in it, if Rita remembered correctly, but she'd always channelled her creativity into words.
Why couldn't she paint, though? A few weeks left in a house with fewer people to talk to by the week and nothing else to do? There'd never be a better time to try her hand at something new.
She inspected the set. It came with several different brushes and a good array of paints, but no palette. Walking into the kitchen, she transfigured one of the plates into into a suitable surface, then squeezed herself a small amount of each colour and tucked the art pad under her arm.
Now, then. What would she paint? The garden, maybe? Well, that was a bit boring. Someone else. She smiled. With a click of the tongue, she went in search of a subject.