
Jul 10, 2006 10:43

That new Chappelle show episode sucked! Like, not funny at all sucked. The pirates show on the History Channel was cool though. And Primer was on TV!! Holy shit if you guys havent seen this movie, it's amazing. Basically two filmmakkers took about $5,000, rented a 16mm camera, and shot a sci-fi psychological drama about timetravel. It's ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

a_code_in_this July 10 2006, 16:35:22 UTC
yeah, i'll totally take off the 27th to go to philly w/ you.


wizbosjon July 10 2006, 16:47:50 UTC
word. i gotta see what my workload is like though, cuz i'd have to leave work early, pick u up, and then roll up. Unless you want to meet me somewhere off of I-95.


a_code_in_this July 10 2006, 17:19:09 UTC
i can do that.


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