Politics again

Sep 11, 2008 19:04

Obama was stumping in Michigan and said the following: “John McCain says he’s about change, too - except for economic policy, health care policy, tax policy, education policy, foreign policy and Karl Rove-style politics. That’s just calling the same thing something different. You can put lipstick on a pig; it’s still a pig. You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change; it’s still going to stink after eight years.”

The McCain campaign's response was to run an ad that took Obama's quote out of context to make it look like he was calling Sarah Palin a pig, and then to call on Obama to apologize to Palin for this "disgraceful comment". This is despite the fact that McCain has used the "lipstick on a pig" metaphor on several occasions, once in reference to Hillary Clinton's health care plan.

Obama's response to the response was in essence that the McCain campaign's "phony outrage" was intended to distract from issues that actually matter and Obama wasn't about to let them get away with it. Here's the video, and it is well worth watching.

McCain's campaign is drawing scrutiny from the press for playing loose with the facts about positions held and quotes made on both sides of the presidential race. One example is this ad claiming that Obama supports "comprehensive sex education...for kindergarteners". What Obama actually supported was a bill mandating "age and developmentally appropriate" sex ed, which for five-year-olds would be something along the lines of "there are good touches and bad touches" and "don't trust strangers who give you candy".

Meanwhile, Sarah Palin has finally given an interview with a member of the press, and she seems a bit keen on war with Russia.

On a lighter note: John McCain apparently likes giving speeches in front of green and/or blue screens. Stephen Colbert capitalized on this with his "Make McCain Exciting" challenge - much hilarity ensued. And here's McCain getting BarackRoll'd during his speech at the RNC.

politics, humor

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