[my name is]: David
[in the morning i was]: waking up infront of the game i was to lazy to get up and turn off.
[all i need now is]: money, money, money!!!
[love is]: too hard to describe
[i'm afraid of]: being trapped
[i dream about]: things i dont have (...i'm so shallow ad greedy)
** series one - your
-- Middle name: Olivier
-- Birth time: apx 2am
-- Birthplace: Port au Prince ,Haiti
-- Last place travelled: VA, if that counts
-- Eye Color: dark brown
-- Nail Color: unpainted
-- Zodiac Sign: cancer
** series two - describe:
-- Your heritage: Haitian
-- The shoes you wore today: white tennis shoes to skool, brown sketchers
-- Your hair: not as short as i'd like
-- Your weakness: many things
-- Your perfect pizza: Big deep dish, toppings may vary
** series three - what is:
-- Your most overused phrase: i'm sorry
-- Your thoughts first waking up: where am i? why am i here?, oh god, i have to do things dont i?
-- Your current worry: that i'm spending money i'll need later
-- Your plans tomorrow: skoo, work
-- Your best physical feature: well that's just cocky... ;0)
-- Your bedtime: whenever my eyes close and i cant get em open again
** series four - you prefer:
-- sunrise or sunset: sunset...i'm a total night person
-- gore or horror: both
-- eastside or westside: westside, just cause i cant do the eastide symbol
-- stripes or polka dots: neither?, stripes i guess
-- Planes or trains: i like trains better, for some reason i just recently gained a fear of heights
-- metal or hardcore: metal
-- Boxers or briefs: boxers, but boxer briefs are comfy
-- Pools or hot tubs: both
** series five - do you
-- Do you think you've been in love: yes
-- Want to get married: not any time soon
-- Like to take baths: yes, but i haven't had one in a long time
-- Get motion sickness : i don't usually
-- Like talking on the phone: depends to whom
-- Like thunderstorms: love them, unless i'm driving, or if they take away my electricity
-- Play an instrument: piano(kind of) and my voice
-- Workout: I miss it so much, havent had time
-- Like reading: i'm dyxlestic (hehe)
** series six - favorite:
-- Body part: ...i'll say it...boobies
-- Kind of fruit: all fruit really
-- Music to fall asleep to : meditation, or any slow music
-- Car: Mazda rx7, or really any sleak sexy sports car.
-- Number: 7
-- Thing to do: laugh
-- Color: Red and black (i know its 2 but shhut)
-- Food: all of it
**series eight - the future:
-- Age you hope to be married: when i'm good and ready...geez
-- Numbers and Names of Children: twins, fraternal
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: hawaii
-- How do you want to die: happy, or in a blaze of GLORY
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: if i knew, i wouldnt be in my current dilema
-- What country would you most like to visit: I'd like to travel the world, but for now...japan
** series nine - opposite/same sex:
-- Best eye color: light blue or green
-- Best hair color: RED
-- Best personality trait: well shit, can this survey make her for me?
-- Best height: doesnt matter
-- Best articles of clothing: not too preppy
-- Best first date location: depends
-- Best first kiss location: someplace quiet and alone, like at the top of a HUGE ferris wheel, that'd be awsome
** series ten - finish:
-- I eat: food
-- I think: alot about stupid shit that's not in my control
-- I am: silly
-- I adore: my friends and family
-- I suck at: alot of stuff
-- I am obsessed with: smallville, and the colors red and black
-- I can: do it, i will make it through
-- I can't wait: to see where i'm heading (thnx ryan, perfectly put)
-- I am annoyed with: my lack of direction
-- I miss: several people, several things i've botched...