Dec 08, 2010 16:51
An early resolution! The community will begin posting challenges again in the New Year.
For now, to celebrate the end of 2010, I'd like to announce the New Year's Drabble exchange! (We don't want to clash with other fic exchange commitments with earlier deadlines)
From now till next Wednesday (the 15th of December), if you would like to participate, please comment to this entry with an idea for a drabble you would like to see written; a premise, a pairing, an inspiration, anything. One request per person please, and keep it short and simple. On Friday 17th December we will assign requests, each member will get someone else's request to write, and so everyone gets a New Year/Hogsmany gift.
Attention: If your request involves Side B material or minor characters (i.e. anyone who isn't Weiss, Schwarz, Schreient, a Takatori, Kritiker head staff, the Esset triad, Aya-chan, Sakura or Momoe-san), please add an alternative request, in case the person who is assigned your drabble is unfamiliar with that canon or missed that episode.
If you feel like writing a drabble based on someone else's challenge, you must 1. finish your own assigned drabble first and 2. try to wait until the assigned writer has posted theirs. (If you are travelling or have only a brief time to grab away from holiday commitments, please post as you are able, once you have finished your own assignment).
Also, if you do sign up, please write a drabble by New Year's Day! It's unfair on your recipient if they don't receive one just because you don't have the time or the inclination.
A happy, assassin-filled holiday to us all!