Welcome to The Storm Legacy.For those of you who read the last chapter,you should know all the family members and you're ready to enter in the Storms world...for those of you who didn't read it yet...no probl,you can read it now.
It's almost sunday morning and look who I found inside...
Hi again Sonya!What are you doing here?
Sonya:Whats with that question?!Can't a ghost come in her old house and watch TV without someone to ask stupid questions?*sarcasm*
Why are you so grumpy today?Brandon cheated you?
Sonya:*crying*It's worse than that....I cooked his favourite golden fish and I don't want him to know.
This is your BIG problem?! You can just replace it with another...they all look the same to me.
Drew:I heard something terrible about Pauline Wan.She is dating Gunther Goth when Hank is at work!!!
Daniella:Hell no!!!This is sooo embarrassing.Lmao!!
Drew:Bth,there's a stupid white ghost in our living room watching TV.
Hey,that stupid ghost as you called her is you grandmother in-law.
Drew:Who cares about some oldie junk!Right kid-o?
Daniella:OMG dad,you know everything in this town!!!LMAO!!!
You can't call her oldie junk because if she wasn't alive you would never be here and marry you beautiful wife.Now you should go to apologize Sonya.
Drew:Yes m'am!
Daniella:Hey,look at me!I'm a stupid voice coming from nowhere and I give orders to all the persons in the house!
This is not nice!I'll talk to Santa about that and there will be no presents 4 you this X-mas.
Drew:Look at me!I'm a stupid Sims 3 obsessed and I love to control the others life.
Stop mocking me,BOTH of you!...and Drew,no more woohoo 4 you until you change this attitude.
Drew:You're such a sick person!How can you do this to me!Better kill me than let me alive,but without woohoo!
Bradley:You have to try this new game!It's totally awesome!...I can sell my soul to play it every day of my life!!!
Maybe next time,now I have other things to do...and selling your soul isn't a good idea*leaves the room slowly*
Justine:So,grandma,would you like to create some radioactive thing and to kill someone with it and then to rule the world with me,The Empress of Evil?
Amber:You,weird kid and your obsession to rule the world!!!Who taught you this shit...maybe your grandpa,but I'm not sure!
Justine:I love when people get angry!!!
Amber:No more TV for you and no more stupid forums where kids learn to use guns and destroy the world!
You have to get used to it...kids love stuff that blow up or are dangerous!
Ok,this kid scares me! :S
It's nothing important with this pic,but their thoughts are so funny :D
Garrett:I want more grandchildren!!!
California:I want to see a big campfire!!!
Garrett:This smells like...OMG,I think it smells like a full potty...or a dirty diaper! BLEAAAAH!!!
Daniella:I have a small problem...who the hell invented the light bulb?!
I think Edison invented it.
Daniella:Yeah,big genius...I knew that,but I wanted to test you!
Daniella:I jut don't get it.Am I in another world or we are studying cosmic-ray physics?!Are we some NASA pilots or somethin'?!
Justine:I'm so glad I like physics and I didn't sleep at the lesson like someone I know...right sis?
Justine:I think I forgot the number of rocks that are making Saturn's rings...And now I'll get a -A at astrology.
Justine:Mom,what is a *CENSORED*?
California:*cough*Who told you this word?!Never say that again!
Justine:B...but it's in my anathomy homework.
California:What kind of teachers are they?!You can't teach a kid that kind of word!!!
Garrett:Hi,my little babies!Did you sleep well and give daddy some great fruits?...Sure you did!
Well,Garrett spends almost all the morning in the garden and with the fruits harvested he makes nectar...not so good nectar.
Will you tell our viewers the ingredients for this nectar?
Garrett:Sure,take a paper and a pen and start writing:4 pomegranate,3 renoit grapes,3 plum and 100% love.
Thanks Garrett!*whispering to the viewers*Don't ever try to make this nectar...it's horrible!
Garrett:I know I can do it...I really know I can do it!!!Just smash that grape into pieces!
C'mon everyone say:Go Garrett!Go Garrett! That's the spirit :-bd
Garrett:OUUCH!Not nice,Mr. Pomegranate,not nice!
Get up and please...don't fart in the nectar!
Garrett:You caught me!*teehee*
Garrett:*singing*All I gotta do is *whistle* and then again *whistle*just a little bit of *whistle* and now you're done!
Amber:So...I heard that you are not allowed to woohoo anymore!
Drew:*cough*Not true!
Amber:I heard it's because you insulted the voice coming outta nowhere.
Yeah,you heard well!
Drew:*cough*No way!"She already knows all the story!"It's not because I'm not allowed to,it's because I don't want to do it anymore!
California:*singing*California girls $$$ We're unforgetable $$$ Daisy dukes $$$ Bikini's on top $$$ Sun-kissed skin, so hot $$$ Will melt your popsicle $$$ Oh,oooooooo!
California:*singing*Ooh,why you're so obsessed with me,Boy I wanna know-lyin' that you're sexin' me,When everybody knows,It's clear that you're upset with me,Ohh finaly found a girl that you couldn't impress,Last man on the earth-still couldn't get this!!! Yeah!!!
What are you doing?
California:Someone coplained that I play to loud so I have to pay 5.000 $.
It's good to know they didn't call the police.
Justine:Last home is a sucka'!
Bradley:I'm right behind ya!
Daniella:Hey,this is so not fair!!!
This is was close finish,but it looks like Bradley is the winner!
...After they got home,they rushed at some schoolfriends to spend the evening...
Justine:Have you heard that Daniella Storm is a sucka'?
Fernando:This is so ridiculos!
Zack:So....I think sea foam is such a beatiful color and...Daniella, are you listening to me?
Daniella:Sure,hun...I mean Zack!
Daniella:I was wondering if you have that someone special in you life...so do you?
Zack:Nope,the special thing in my life is my golden fish Steve!
Daniella:I have a surprise for you...just close your eyes!
Go Daniella,you can do it!
Zack:Wow,I wasn't expecting that...
Daniella:So,will you be my boyfriend?
Say "yes" or I'll cut you into pieces!
Zack:Yes,1000 times yes!
In the other part of the house...
Justine:I think you look...atractive!
Fernando:You too,babe!
Justine:I know it was your 16th birthday so...give me a hug.
Fernando:Sure,let's make a close one!
Justine:And I have a gift for you!
Fernando:Show me!"Please be a kiss"
Justine:So,do you want to be my boyfriend?
Mariah:This kid is weird,let's drink for that!
And he said "yes"!
Maybe I'm old fashioned,but kids shouldn't make out...just kiss!
Fernando:STFU!...Btw,you never kissed someone and you're just gelouse!
But I'm only 14 and I want to be a child as long as I can!
Fernando:Sorry,but I have to go cook something good for you,babe!
Fernando:*singing*Doin' things I never do,I'm in the kitchen cookin' things she likes,We're real worldwide,Breakin' all the rules,Someday I wanna make you my wife!
Awww,how sweet!
I left the computer 4 about 30 seconds and this is what I found when I came back...
Justine:They're sooo romantic!
Bradley:I know I love you,I really love you!
Marie:Me too!You are very handsome,Bradley Storm!
Bradley:Marie,I love you so much and I want to marry you,but I can't...I'm only a teenager.So I want to ask you: will you be my girlfreind?
Bradley:You'll be very happy!
Marie:Yes,my darlin'!
He made this move right on time because now they really have to leave if they don't want to be caught by police and fight with their mother....Back home...
Drew,go away from you father in-law's garden!He can kill you if you step on his beloved plants!
Drew:I have water in my nose,help!...See,I cant go away 'cause this is so damn fun!
This is it for the chapter,guys!I hope you enjoyed it and...se ya next time!
...Don't forget to comment and thank you all for reading this legacy...