This picspam started out as a "top ten funniest scenes from AtS," but then I kind of kept going, so now it's more of a "bunch of funny scenes from AtS" picspam.
Cordelia: Oh, Angel! I know that I'm a Slayer and you're a vampire, and it would be impossible for us to be together -- but!
Wesley: But! My gypsy curse sometimes prevent me from seeing the truth. Oh, Buffy!
Cordelia: Yes, Angel?
Wesley: Oh, I love you so much I almost forgot to brood!
Cordelia: And just because I sent you to hell that one time doesn't mean that we can't just be friends. [Wes grabs her arm] Oh!
Wesley: Or possibly more.
Cordelia: Gasp! No! We mustn't.
Wesley: Kiss me.
Cordelia: Bite me! [Wes pretends to bite her]
Angel: How about you both bite me.
Fred: Oh my God! Angel, you're...cute!
Puppet Angel: Fred, don't.
Fred: Oh, but the little hands! And the hair...[pets Angel's hair]
Puppet Angel: Hey! You're fired.
Lorne: Maybe it's some type of puppet cancer.
Puppet Angel: I do NOT have puppet cancer!
Spike: Hello, big guy! Need another car. Afraid this last one ended up in the drink --
Puppet Angel: Spike --
Spike: Look at you.
Puppet Angel: Just turn around and walk away.
Spike: You're a --
Puppet Angel: Spike!
Spike: You're a bloody puppet!!
Spike: [laughs hysterically] You're a wee little puppet man! [Angel punches him] Ow! [Angel punches him again] Ow! Hey! That's enough.
Angel, what the hell happened to you? You look ridiculous.
Puppet Angel: Get out of here, Spike.
Harmony: Oh my God. Angel, you're a --
Puppet Angel: Shut up! [to everyone in the lobby] What are you people looking at? Well?
Spike: They're looking at the wee little puppet man.
Puppet Angel: Stupid -- limey -- piece of crap!
[to everyone in the lobby] Yes, I'm a puppet. Doesn't mean you don't have work to do. Harmony, get my call list.
Harmony: Um...
Puppet Angel: And Spike needs a car.
Spike: You heard the puppet.
Wesley: It's Wesley, thank you. Wyndham-Price. I am from the Watchers' Academy in southern Hampshire. In fact, I happen to be head boy.
Cordelia: Gee, I wonder how you earned that nickname.
Wesley: A lot of effort, I don't mind saying.
Wesley: The important thing is to start with the facts. We're all from different cities, we're all of an age... [rubs chin thoughtfully] Judging from the amount of facial hair I've grown, we've all been unconscious for at least a month.
Cordelia: [touches her hair] Oh God, oh God. My hair, my hair! [crying] The government gave me bad hair!
Fred: No! No, it's nice.
Wesley: Yes, it's, uh, just the thing.
Cordelia: Are you sure?
Wesley: It' attractive. But a clue, nonetheless. Perhaps the whole point of this experiment is hair!
Wesley: Well, let's get the lay of the place.
Gunn: Don't be giving me orders. I run my own crew.
Wesley: I'm sure your seafaring adventures are very interesting, but I have experience of things you couldn't imagine. I'm not head boy for nothing.
Gunn: You 'bout to be headless boy, you don't get outta my face.
Wesley: Intimidation. Points for effort. Perhaps a little karate technique will put you in your place.
Spike: It's bollocks, Angel! It's your brand of bollocks from the first to last.
Angel: No, you can't ever see the big picture. You can't see any picture!
Spike: I am talking about something primal. Right? Savagery. Brutal animal instinct.
Angel: And that wins out every time with you. You know, the human race has evolved, Spike!
Spike: Oh, into a bunch of namby-pamby, self-analyzing wankers who could never hope to --
Angel: We're bigger. We're smarter. Plus, there's a thing called teamwork, not to mention the superstitious terror of your pure aggressors!
Spike: You just want it to be the way you want it to be.
Angel: It's not about what I want!
Wesley: Sorry. Is this something we should all be discussing?
Angel: ...No.
Wesley: It just...sounds a little serious.
Angel: It was mostly...theoretical. We...
Spike: We were just working out a b -- Look, if cavemen and astronauts got into a fight, who would win?
Wesley: Ah. You've been yelling at each other for 40 minutes about this?
...Do the astronauts have weapons?
Angel and Spike: [simultaneously] No.
Wesley: I need to cool off. Cordelia certainly knows how to throw a do! These mini-reubens, with a little sauerkraut and a little swiss inside, what mad genius brought these into the world? Mmm. What say a couple of brooding demon hunters start chatting up some of the fillies?
Girl: Hey. [Wesley chokes and starts coughing] Nice sweater. Hand-knit?
Wesley: Certainly not by me.
Girl: I didn't mean -- I mean it's a great sweater.
Wesley: Oh, well, I-I'll pass that on then -- to the person who knit it. I-I mean, I would, if I knew who did -- but I don't. So I won't pass it on to anyone, will I?
Girl: Bye.
Laura: So with my Masters degree in Fine Arts, I was able to launch my very own business, selling sandwiches downtown from a little cart.
Angel: Huh.
Laura: Yeah. I do see a lot of stuff on the job. So I tell myself that I'm honing my eye.
Angel: Makes sense.
Laura: Oh, I love this. Would to dance?
Angel: I don't dance.
Spike as Rachel: How can I thank you, you mysterious, black-clad hunk of a night thing?
Spike as Angel: No need, little lady, your tears of gratitude are enough for me. You see, I was once a badass vampire, but love and a pesky curse defanged me. Now I’m just a big, fluffy puppy with bad teeth.
No, not the hair! Never the hair!
Spike as Rachel: But there must be some way I can show my appreciation.
Spike as Angel: No, helping those in need's my job -- and working up a load of sexual tension and prancing away like a magnificent poof is truly thanks enough!
Spike as Rachel: I understand. I have a nephew who is gay, so...
Spike as Angel: Say no more. Evil's still afoot! And I’m almost out of that nancy-boy hairgel that I like so much. Quickly, to the Angelmobile, away!
Nathan: These re-evaluations are always a bit of a mixed blessing. Sad as we lose one of our own. But also hopeful as we turn towards the future and promote one of our own. Lilah. You have made a lot of great contributions and I know you have tried your very, very best...
Lilah: No!
Lindsey: Lilah. Please. They chose me. I'm clearly the guy.
Nathan: Yes, you are.
Lindsey: [to Lilah] You could've had it. But you didn't have what it takes...An evil hand. I mean, come on, who here does, huh? Leon doesn't. Charlie doesn't. You do know you gave me an evil hand, right? I've been writing "Kill, kill, kill" on everything. It's crazy. It's crazy. Anything could happen!
Nathan: [to the guard] Allen...
Lindsey: Allen, how are you? [he hits him and grabs the gun] Uh-oh. [he shoots him in the foot] Ooh, that's gonna hurt in the morning! [he shoots in Nathan's direction] Stop, evil hand, stop it.
Lindsey: I just can't control my evil hand. Nathan, I'm so proud that you chose me. Charlie! If I would've been in your shoes, I would've chosen Lilah. Let me tell you why. Do you have any idea of the hours this chick has logged in? Huh? The files she has on you guys? Deep stuff. Ronnie, your stock manipulations, Nathan's little offshore accounts...Can you imagine if something were to happen to this girl and those files got back to the senior partners? They'd eat you alive! She's been working overtime, boys. She's everything you ever dreamed of. Lilah is your guy.
Lindsey: Me -- I'm unreliable. I've got these evil hand issues. And I'm bored with this crap. And besides, I'm leaving, so if you wanna chase me, be my guest, and remember [holds up his hand] evil. Charlie.
Lindsey to Lilah: Good luck. [he feels her up as he passes, and she jumps. He holds his hand up] Evil.
Nathan: Well. Let's amend the minutes...Lilah Morgan was promoted. And, uh, someone call an ambulance.
Angel: Why am I not on fire?
Gunn: Yo, that was phat!
Wesley: Well, it is another dimension. Perhaps their sun...
Lorne: Back up, Copernicus. That's suns. Plural.
Wesley: Suns. Yes. Well, perhaps they don't have the same effect on vampires. [Wesley pinches Angel's cheek]
Angel: Hey! Watch it. Alright? [Wes pinches Angel's cheek some more] Hey! [Angel bats his hand away, then pinches Wesley's cheek]
Wesley: Fascinating!
Gunn: Did you all see the street do that bendy thing?
Angel to Lorne: So, we made it then. This is your world.
Gunn: Oh yes. Home sweet hell.
Angel: Ha! I'm not on fire.
Wesley: And we're together. And we didn't merge into some freakish, four-men Siamese twin!
Gunn: That was a risk? How come nobody told me that was a risk?
Angel: Can everyone just notice how much fire I'm not on?
Angel: Okay, this is because of going through the portal, right?
Cordelia: No. It always looks like that.
Lorne's mom: Krevlorneswath? Can it be true? I've often prayed that I might look again upon your face.
Lorne: Well, you're in luck then.
Lorne's mom: [spits in his face] You have shamed our clan and betrayed your kind.
Lorne: Thanks, Mom. [Angel's head snaps up and he mouths "Mom?"]
Lorne's mom: Each morning before I feed I go out into the hills where the ground is thorny and parched, beat my breast and curse the loins that gave birth to such a cretinous boy-child!
Lorne: My mother!
Lorne's mom: Your father was right. We ate the wrong son.
Lorne: Well, enough of this sentimental reminiscing. Just a couple of quick questions, then I'll skeddadle. You remember back around five years ago when I first disappeared...did you notice anything - odd?
Lorne's mom: We noticed feasting and celebrations. Your brother Numfar did the dance of joy for three moons. Numfar! Do the dance of joy.
Lorne's mom: Now take your cow and get off my lawn!
Landok: That is no cow. [to Angel] My friend! It is good to see you again. I would have perished in your strange world were it not for your bravery.
Lorne's mom: You know Krevlorneswath's cow?
Landok: He's Angel! The brave and noble drokken killer.
Angel: Just Angel is really...
Landok: He is as valiant and courageous a warrior as I have ever known.
Lorne's mom: Then he shall be welcome in our home and we will honor him. Numfar! Do the dance of honor.
Wesley: I just thought we should touch base, ah, before Cordelia arrived this morning. I know things have been, uh...strained between the two of you, and working in such close quarters it's...
Angel: It's-it's okay, Wesley, really. I mean, Cordelia has every right to feel the way that she does, and I'm willing to give her the room that she needs.
Angel: Good. Good. I think that's just the right attitude. Time and space. Those are really the only things one can give in a situation like this. As long as we both understand that, the healing process can...
Cordelia: [shrieks] Oh, my God. These are gorgeous! You have the most amazing taste! You have, like -- a gay man's taste, and that's saying something. I love them so much! [throws her arms around Angel and kisses him on the cheek] Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're the best! [kisses him again as Angel grins from ear to ear]
Cordelia: I have to go try these on. [bouncing up and down] La, la, la, la, la, new clothes! I have new clothes! New clothes, I have new clothes!
Angel: I got her clothes.