My Gift is for :
joykilldramaMy Gift includes: Loads of icons, plus some wallpapers
Fandoms included: Firefly, BTVS, ATS
Warnings More icons than are healthy
OMG wait 'till you hear this: I accidentally the entire icon folder earlier. And I had no backups. And my cache emptied too fast for me to save them.
Luckily, I had been showing off and a friend has better cache settings than me. I almost died. He has saved me. Pointless story is pointless, but I *have* to tell someone.
There sure are a lot of icons here. If there's any effects I've used on random icon a that you'd like applied to random icon b, please let me know, I'll be happy to! If you want to use them as bases, add text, whatever, please feel free. And finally, I really hope you like your gift! I wanted to write for you brain failed me. Hopefully the amount of pretty will make up for it.
Angel/Cordy x 27
Buffy/Faith x 20
Buffy/Willow/Xander x 17
Cordy/Xander x 51
Oz/Willox x 51
Jayne x 16