Title - The Crash
Author - Tardis_Type40
Pairing - Colin/Ryan
Rating - NC-17
Word Count - 608
Summary - Ryan knew his fear was justified.
Disclaimer - Hahahaha!!!! oh, you crack me up...
They had known each other for years, they were best friends, closer then then brothers, they knew each other better then anyone else, they could practically read each other’s minds. They would finish each other’s sentences, they could finish their thoughts….
But right now, both Ryan and Colin wished more than anything that they couldn’t tell what the other was thinking. The sheer terror they could feel from each other was horrifying. The feeling of them grasping each others hands, the sound of screams ringing in their ears, the rattling of their current prison shaking them around… there was a reason Ryan was afraid of flying, and the rapidly approaching ground before them made his fear even more justified. Despite Drew’s reassurance that his private jet was safe to fly, telling them that they could fly back from London easily and cheaper then taking a commercial flight back to the US. Ryan knew his fear was real, and justified. He just wished Colin wasn’t here with him. He didn’t want to die at 46 years old, and he certainly didn’t want his best friend, the person he…. the person he loved, even though he never said it, for fear of rejection.
Ryan turned his wide, terrified eyes to Colin’s face, pale skin glowing in the dark, emergency lights the only thing allowing him to see his best friends own pale skin, wide eyes, and terrified trembling.
As he knew that the ground was rapidly approaching, and he was sure that this was his last chance to say it, he knew he had to tell Colin how he felt. He grasped the balding mans hand even tighter, looking him in the eyes, Ryan’s own full of love, showing his true feeling for his friend for the first time.
“I love you, Colin.” Colin’s eyes widened with shock.
“Ryan, I-”
He was floating, thick, tendrils of darkness grasped at his limbs, his consciousness floating along a river of darkness and tiredness. He didn’t know where he was, why he was here, but something niggled at the back of his…. Mind? Did he have a mind here?
Yes… he did… he was… Ryan… His name was Ryan… Stiles... he was... flying? Yes… flying with…. Colin… his friend... his love…. Colin!
Suddenly, he remembered what had happened…
“I can’t believe Drew let us use his private jet,” Colin’s voice interrupted Ryan’s efforts to relax and not worry about the flight ahead, and his fears on everything that could go wrong. He turned his attention to Colin, and tried to (unsuccessfully) pry his hands of the armrests of his seat.
“Yeah, It’s great. Just great. Rather I wasn’t on the fuckin’ thing in the first place.” Ryan smiled sarcastically at Colin, and it faltered at the raised eyebrow he got in return.
“Nothing will happen Ry, I promise. We will be fine.” Ryan shook his head, tightening his arms on the armrest as the plan started to take off, his breath caught in his throat, and his eyes squeezed shut.
It was when they were twenty minutes away from the airport was when things started, no, did go wrong.
The loud bang that signaled the explosion of one of the engines in the wings, the one, in fact, right beside where Ryan was sitting, caused the tall mans heart to stop.
The plane started falling, and the next few moments went by in a blur.
The shock on Colin’s face when he confesses his love has his heart sinking, but he doesn’t have time to contemplate that, as the plane hits the ground.
There was sharp flash of pain, then nothing.