This was great. Nick and Vartann are definitely yummy together. And I had completely forgotten about that line from Bull Durham! Great use of the quote.
Wow, that was really good. Many first time slash attempts can fall into the cheesy, sill pile, but this had the right amount of lustily allure. Enjoyed using Cath as sort of a voyeur , sort of a kink of mine.
The description of the interactions were very well done, very subtle, than passionate and sensual, the hot factor was way high for me. Everyone was in character is which a priority.
Thanks Kristen, I'm pleased you liked it. To have one of my favorite CSI writers say complimentary things about my little ficlet makes me feel all warm and fuzzy! *grin*
While this may be my first CSI slash fic, it is definitely not my first slash story. I used to write in another fandom but haven't written much of anything in the past couple of years.
I guess it's just like riding a bike. Once you know how, you never forget.
Comments 17
thank you
The description of the interactions were very well done, very subtle, than passionate and sensual, the hot factor was way high for me. Everyone was in character is which a priority.
Hope to see more from you, and with this paring!
While this may be my first CSI slash fic, it is definitely not my first slash story. I used to write in another fandom but haven't written much of anything in the past couple of years.
I guess it's just like riding a bike. Once you know how, you never forget.
Thanks again!!
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