trcr04 wrote in
Feb 03, 2006 21:56
Does anyone know anywhere that is accepting applications? I really need to find a job.
Please let me know.
exit_152_ wrote in
Jan 17, 2006 19:26
does anyone have any idea where a 15 year old girl like myself can get a job? Somewhere in/around West Bloomfield. Well because i can't drive myself anywhere till June.
If you have any ideas (places that are hiring, obviously) please comment.
uniqueindvdual2 wrote in
Jan 12, 2006 22:26
Does anyone have Team Sports this semester, 4th hour?
Because, as of now, I know absolutely no one in the class.
rach_marissa wrote in
Dec 22, 2005 10:05
so i still haven't heard from MSU & i'm getting worried...
any other seniors still waiting to hear from State?
soccerjonn21 wrote in
Dec 19, 2005 18:05
Any AP Psych students done with a Piaget or Erikson book i could barrow for my paper!!!!
tankbutt wrote in
Dec 06, 2005 22:10
Hey Everyone where ur KNIGHT patrol shirt tomoro ( tuesday) and support the team and me mens Basketball game @ lakeland 720 varsity 530 jv come watch me keep the bench warm @lakeland much love stevie k
onesubjectnote wrote in
Dec 05, 2005 19:05
Don't Forget
That There Is A Musical Audition Info Meeting Tomorrow Afternoon In The Auditorium
lost_with_bonzo wrote in
Nov 29, 2005 15:27
Hii ya'll, hope everyone's having a great break.
Does anyone know what the musical is and when auditions are? Also, what do you have to do for the audition like singing/dancing/etc?
Thanks in advance!