Title: That one time Eames decides to buy a flamethrower
Fandom: Inception
Pairing: n/a (Arthur/Eames if you squint, like, really hard)
Summary: Done for
bjzblue's Round 4 prompt of the inception_kink meme. "Eames gets himself a flamethrower."
"what in God's name, is that?" arthur asks, when eames enters the warehouse, carrying a large weapons' case, grin as wide as the Cheshire Cat's.
the rest of the team is scattered around the warehouse- ariadne's showing yusuf one of the blueprints she's drawn up, and cobb's in the corner, arguing with somebody on the phone.
eames sets the case down on the nearest empty table gently and runs his hand over the black casing. "a present," he replies, still grinning.
"from?" arthur cuts back, not looking up from his files on Robert Fischer, feet propped up on a table.
"myself," eames replies, delight in his voice. the expression on his face resembles a kid's in a toy store.
arthur rolls his eyes and looks up as eames clicks the case open carefully. "no, really, what is it?"
"why, its a flamethrower, darling," eames extracts this monster of a gun from within the case and cradles it as if he were cradling his firstborn.
"a flamethrower?" arthur sputters, "whatever for?"
"just thought i'd practice with this because i'm planning on using one on the job," eames says, running a finger over the trigger.
"well, if you keep holding it like that, cobb's going to throw a bitch fit if you accidentally blow one of us up before the job," arthur says.
"don't be such a spoilsport, darling, let a man have some fun."
and at that, arthur rolls his eyes, stands up, and walks over to ariadne and yusuf to discuss the job at hand.