
Apr 25, 2005 11:57

Good weekend... not gonna say too much, except we saw Zyna off yesterday afternoon back to NYC. Her family arrived on Friday, so I played chauffeur for the day and took everybody to the car rental, hotel, mall, etc. It was cool to see them again. Saturday night was her graduation, and a big group of us met up at Caraba's afterwards to have ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

bluepose April 25 2005, 09:08:39 UTC
You know you can BRING a take five and mash it up in the ice cream yourself ;)


wmudanny April 25 2005, 09:12:10 UTC
Then why the hell would I be paying Coldstone to do it for me? Think Justin, THINK.


bluepose April 25 2005, 10:18:15 UTC
Listen BUB. You get your NORMAL stone... mine has reeses peanut butter cups, pieces, and peanutbutter sauce...

and then, to that, you ADD Take 5.

I think I just had an orgasm typing that.


wmudanny April 25 2005, 10:28:25 UTC
Oooh... see mine is the Chocolate Devotion with an extra brownie inside, and an extra brownie ON the side, plus peanut butter. Mmmmmmmmmmm :)


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wmudanny April 25 2005, 09:51:00 UTC
--- (confused)


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wmudanny April 25 2005, 10:04:59 UTC
ohhh... no he's not gay


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wmudanny April 25 2005, 10:34:35 UTC
I know... I was just so impressed with him, and how nice he was after the show. So I keep the word of mouth going, me being such a supporter of the arts and all ;)


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wmudanny April 25 2005, 20:05:34 UTC
That's not what you said earlier
Which has been *STRICKEN* from the record


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wmudanny April 26 2005, 10:28:04 UTC
tooootally out of context


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