
May 09, 2005 08:27

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Comments 10

ironmanjt May 9 2005, 06:46:53 UTC
That cat rocks!


stargazen May 9 2005, 09:52:58 UTC
burning tire and leather couch

!?!?! ya' all were burning tires! (how did the couch burn? I'm just wondering)


wmudanny May 9 2005, 13:25:25 UTC
I know, isnt that illegal or something? We burned shingles in our field yeeeears ago, and it went on for like four days and ended up blowing and burning down our neighbor's field haha.


stargazen May 9 2005, 16:02:40 UTC
Well the E.P.A. might be up in arms, but as for illegal I don’t know (in your state) I know in Washington you may not burn tires. But as for the couch, hell you can burn anything that you want on your property as long as it dose not pose a danger to other people or property.

I’d be totally cheezed if it was my field ya’ all burnt down! :-p

I’m just wondering about if the couch got put into the fire or they just caught it on fire, or what. I’ve always wondered about the flame retardants in leather couches. I mean I would guess the filling in them would go up pretty quickly, but the leather part of it in my mind would slow it down quite a bit.


wmudanny May 9 2005, 16:11:17 UTC
Well my memory at that point is a little foggy, although I do remember that they threw it on later after the tire. It went up pretty high for awhile, because some of the dumbasses thought they were cool jumping over it, but then we started making fun of the pussy ones who were jumping over it once it went back down haha. We were like, uhhh, ok, not cool anymore.


agriking May 9 2005, 15:02:03 UTC
Tires don't explode when you burn them you drunken dork :P


osagej4 May 9 2005, 15:21:33 UTC
That cat does not want to be on a leash.


danielspice May 9 2005, 17:40:11 UTC
that cat looks so pissed to be leashed.


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