Nov 20, 2010 15:23

Meme, Day 1: Your favorite k-pop guy group

Well, this is the most difficult question ever (kidding).

Super Junior. Do I need to elaborate? o_oa I think my entire lj is a testament to this.

Runners-up (2nd place) include but are not limited to: Epik High, Supreme Team, SHINee, TRAX, One Day (2AM/2PM), UKiss, Infinite, SS501, CNBlue.

Special Mention: A'ST1 :(

There are more, but can't recall, so prob not so significant... >_>


As a note, in regards to the term k-pop, in the context of this meme, I am going to define "pop" in k-pop as "popular" OR as in the genre of Pop. They will be conglomerated together as such. Therefore, I only refer to either the poppy-boppy dance groups, OR popular groups of other genres (k-hiphop/r&b/rock) as well. Don't judge me. You're judging me. I said stop judging me 8)

i'm on a boat, meme

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