1; ;----------------; I love you so much for this. Going to utterly destroy the lyrics when I screech along with KRZ, but adglksdflkrjdt Thank you for doing this! ♥
1) No problem! That's what this is over hurr for anyway~~~ I did it cause Jen showed me the song like, SO PRETTY HOW DO I? (not verbatim; am not trying to ruin her credibility lolol) So I went "Oh, I should romanize this for ppl since it's still early and no one else has done it." 8D You're probably less screechy and more croonin' 8D HAVE FUN SINGING~♥
2) Oh, sure! ... Actually, that's my public fandom acct where I post about anything multifandom related (SJ, Kpop, TV stuff--by this I mean Merlin/cast, mostly). If you want, or if you'd rather(? er... ._.), I also have my private acct where I post just Kpop+personal haha XD @silvermagnet lol, sorry for my (not so?) unusual need to keep separate accts OTL
1; It is such a pretty song, I could weep. ♥ I've been playing it like mad ever since it was leaked, and those voices together just adglksdjrlkjdg In any case, you're so sweet to romanize the lyrics like this. /o/
2; Okay, I hope you don't mind how I did this, but I've followed the public account with my more general fandom-ish account (@seekingsugar), and your more private account with... mine (@nachurally). ^^ Don't feel obligated to follow me back on either or anything, but uhm. IF YOU'D LIKE TO, THAT'D BE NICE, TOO. /fails
They are! I believe this is a traditional folk song, but I can't seem to find a performance of it that isn't by KRY or KRZ 8| I did however find the Chinese flute sheet music for it 8| which is completely helpful... orz
Comments 5
2; M-may I follow you on that account? ._.;;
2) Oh, sure! ... Actually, that's my public fandom acct where I post about anything multifandom related (SJ, Kpop, TV stuff--by this I mean Merlin/cast, mostly). If you want, or if you'd rather(? er... ._.), I also have my private acct where I post just Kpop+personal haha XD @silvermagnet lol, sorry for my (not so?) unusual need to keep separate accts OTL
2; Okay, I hope you don't mind how I did this, but I've followed the public account with my more general fandom-ish account (@seekingsugar), and your more private account with... mine (@nachurally). ^^ Don't feel obligated to follow me back on either or anything, but uhm. IF YOU'D LIKE TO, THAT'D BE NICE, TOO. /fails
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