Blame! Academy is a spoof by the Blame! mangaka Tsutomu Nihei. Here's Dhomo in all his glory XD Football1 Football2 Football3 It's basically him vs the cyborgs. And umm, yeah. Go read Blame! XD
OH YOU FUCKING RULE I'm so glad I found you and your blame fanart. Unfortuantely I only have the first volume. I can download all nine, But i wish to own the books :3 I'm just waiting for Tokyopop to take off their mean hats and distribute the glory that is Blame to British shores...
Heey, you're from DMC crack aren't you? XD I'm too impatient to wait. Actually more like I began reading Blame! before TokyoPop started distributing it. :P Now I'm just biding my time until the full set comes through...then it's manga shopping time!!! XD
Yeah I'm on the Crack community XD I did find it before Tokyopop got their grubby mit son it. But it was all in French, and Unfortuantely my French isn't that brilliant anymore. When I did find a site that had scanlations of it, every volume, they removed them becasue it got licenced. I found the Anime on Youtube, It's very short but provoking in my opinion, and I like it. ANother downpoint is that the voices are fuzzed cybnetically so it's hard to hear them, as I know a fairely bit of Japanese, and the subs are in French too @.@
Ooh you saw the Blame Logs? (I think that's what they are called) I have English subbed ones..they are ogg files I believe. I'll try to see if I can find them again -_- Yeah Blame is no longer on :(...but they are still available through mIRC :D If you want I can give you the link to the bot that serves them. :)
It could be the Blame!Logs...I think there were 6 of them? They were really short tho, like, less than 15mins long...I think. My memory is all fuzzy now :(
Yup. Well there is a lot of moving camera angles...and shots from the character's back -_- But it is beautiful ^^ So yeah, go check it out if you can! Sorry but I can't seem to be able to retrace the torrent to the Logs... :( If I do eventually find it I'll send it to you!
Comments 16
It's basically him vs the cyborgs. And umm, yeah. Go read Blame! XD
...I gotta read it! XD
It's completed 10 volumes.
I'm so glad I found you and your blame fanart. Unfortuantely I only have the first volume. I can download all nine, But i wish to own the books :3 I'm just waiting for Tokyopop to take off their mean hats and distribute the glory that is Blame to British shores...
I did find it before Tokyopop got their grubby mit son it. But it was all in French, and Unfortuantely my French isn't that brilliant anymore. When I did find a site that had scanlations of it, every volume, they removed them becasue it got licenced.
I found the Anime on Youtube, It's very short but provoking in my opinion, and I like it. ANother downpoint is that the voices are fuzzed cybnetically so it's hard to hear them, as I know a fairely bit of Japanese, and the subs are in French too @.@
Yeah Blame is no longer on :(...but they are still available through mIRC :D If you want I can give you the link to the bot that serves them. :)
If I do eventually find it I'll send it to you!
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