トリシャ。 sixteen years old. filipino. californian. strives for a degree in genetics or medicine. internet addict. animanga nerd. /v/ lurker. enjoys all things moe. thinks too much. doesn`t write enough. there`s a strong will to be a hero, but no abilities to do so. ☀ the internet,
deadpools, pretty graphics, shooting stars, lulzy behavior, pretty girls, spikey hair, food, vocaloid covers, hitsugaya x hinamori, green x blue, ciel phantomhive, shizuo heiwajima, firo prochainezo, gold/hibiki, link, being ~offensive~. ☁ ignorance, people who abandon others casually, evil-doers, waking up early, disappointment, people who butt into other people`s business, bandwagons.
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