Anyone Who Has Seen End of Time Part I and II

Jan 09, 2010 15:50

Ok, my brain is curdled. It will take multiple viewings to make sense of this thing.

But can anyone tell me who the female Time Lord was who kept appearing to Wilf? She was the same woman at the end, right, who uncovered her eyes, right? Is she supposed to be the Doctor's mom or something? What's the buzz on that. (I swear at first I thought she was a much older Sarah Jane....)

I can see why the Doctor/Donna fans are pissed. I'm not too happy myself....

Sigh. I'll just be over in the corner nursing my broken heart, if you don't mind.

And GG, your comment Part 1 was like Crackfic is now officially the BEST review ever. That's EXACTLY what it was!

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