Naruto and Avatar, this time. =D I'm very happy, because I've officially created over 100 Zutara icons since the finale - textless icons, that is. There's probably actually, like, 200 in total. =o
Yeah, Aang's a huge hypocrit. I'm also thinking of making an icon with the line "No one understands the position I'm on!", because Katara, the girl he claims to love and understand and appreciate and yaddayaddayadda, had to sacrifice her own morals to save him from Hamma.
I know. Katara never wanted to learn Bloodbending, but she had to in order to save Aang and Sokka as well as herself. I would like to think that the world is a little more important than your morals. :P
Agreed. Besides, from what I know, Buddhist monks (something Aang and the Airbender culture is based on) are allowed to kill if it's for good reason. And I think a tyrannical overlord bent on world conquest is a pretty good reason to sacrifice your morals and kill.
But, you know, Aang's already done that during the season one finale and when he killed that wasp-thing. Dx
Comments 16
If ins you don't mind? :D
These are all fabulous icons, btw.
That text is perfect. Fell free to add it, if you want to.
Glad you liked them!
(The comment has been removed)
These icons look really good! You used a lot of cool effects this time. Good job! :D
Yeah, Aang's a huge hypocrit. I'm also thinking of making an icon with the line "No one understands the position I'm on!", because Katara, the girl he claims to love and understand and appreciate and yaddayaddayadda, had to sacrifice her own morals to save him from Hamma.
#30 = Proof of Zuko's perviness. xD
But, you know, Aang's already done that during the season one finale and when he killed that wasp-thing. Dx
Zuko also appreciates certain aspects of Katara's development. xD I see where he's seeking his comfort.
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