You know what. This Meme is too big a task. Forget it.
Comprehensive Soundtrack Meme!
Add whatever song you think should be played under the following circumstances. This is pretty in-depth and long, and I think there’s a lot of ground for improvement, so feel free to if you have time to take it. Take stuff out, add stuff in, it’s all good. First part of a question is concept/time/action/whatever and in brackets I’ve added little comments to elaborate what I was going at. Are they funny? Inappropriate? Maybe? Are they illustrative, that’s what I’m hoping. It all depends on your tastes and senses I suppose. In any case, feel free to edit whatever part you want or not do it at all if it’s not your thing. It’s all pretty okay as far as I’m concerned! I’d still appreciate it if someone took the time to do at least some of it, though.
Your Day:
Morning (That part of the day when non-lazy people wake up)
Afternoon (That part of the day when lazy people wake up)
Evening (Party time? TV time? That magazine TIME?)
Night (Party time! Hammer time? Bed time?)
Your life:
Childhood (I demand to eat cookies)
Youth (I demand to be taken seriously! If you don’t take me seriously I’m gonna have to hold my breath ‘till I pass out!)
Adolescent (I demand to be taken seriously! If you don’t take me seriously I’m gonna have to CUT MYSELFZORZ!>!``111~~)
Young Adult (Time to take it all on! Seriously![Alternatively, “Shit I don’t wanna have to take it all on. Seriously.”)
Adult (Boo! I’m old. And Serious)
Elderly (Woo! I’m old! I’m senile? [I sure hope not, that’d be regrettable])
Ambivalence (Meh, but a slightly positive way)
Bitterness (Fuck THAT! [not in sex way]
calmness (...[in a positive “layin’ in a hammock” sense])
depression (... [in a negative sense])
disappointment (Aww shit...)
disgust (That. is. not. right. man. seriously.)
doubt (Is this really such a good idea?)
ecstasy (“Woo! Drugs!”, or hey, maybe if you got that natural high going on)
embarrassment (The after-effect of too much “Woo! Drugs”ing [“Woo!Drugs!ing is today’s verb)]
emptiness (there is no meaning [this can be positive or negative, as there are good and bad ways to be empty]
enthusiasm (Let’s get to work, buddy!)
envy (Lucky bastard)
epiphany (I’ve seen the light. It all makes sense to me now.)
fanaticism (Whatever makes you zealous)
fear (not in a reflective “well this is not good” but more of a “AHH” way)
frustration (Fuck THAT! [not in sex way])
gratified (Curiosity: Satisfied!)
grieved (....shit)
happy (Woo! Happy!)
hate (Normally I wouldn’t threaten to kill someone, but in your case)
hope (It’ll all turn out well, eh?)
horror (The horror... the horror!)
loneliness (Boy this sucks)
love (Isn’t it great?)
lust (Fuck THAT! [in sex way])
rejection (Fuck THAT! [not in sex way])
remorse (...shit)
repentance (I will be forgiven in time)
righteously indignant (Fuck THAT! [not in sex way]
shy (nothingtosayleavemeoutofit)
surprise (Woo! Surprised! It’s hard to elaborate!)
loyalty (This is what I believe in. I will do everything to advance the cause.)
confident (I’m fucking FANTASTIC, and you know what? So are YOU! Let’s Boogie!)
Via boat
Via plane
Via car
Via Location
Lazing about
Positive (This is the life)
Negative (BORED)
Going to work/class
Positive (Woo!)
Negative (This sucks.)
Found a love interest
First met (Woah, that is one pretty girl/guy/wherever one’s interest may lie)
Thinking about love interest (Wow, isn’t he/she/neutral/plural tense just swell?)
Break up with a significant other
Miserable (What happened?)
Kinda angry (Fuck that! [not in the sex way])
Accepting (Maybe it’s all for the best. Other fish in the sea. Additional generic positive break up comment.)
Moving on (Right then. Here I am. Where are the women?)
Looking to the future
Immediate future
Long term future
Distant future (Robots that go “boo-oop”)
Positive escape (C’mon, let’s leave it all behind)
Fearful escape (a madman/sasquatch/zombies/the government’s after me!)
Party Time:
Party as a rockin’ time (PARTY!~~ !!)
Party as a dystopia (Fuck This! [not in sex way])
Sex (In sex way [for the bawdy])
Out with friends for dinner
Man vs. Himself (not in clone/identical twin/Tyler Durden sense)
Man vs. Man (I’m here to stop you!)
Man vs. Nature (Man vs. Bear Man Vs. Shark [not bear vs. shark, though that would be pretty neat to see, or think about in a hypothetical sense, or hear about on the BBC like that snake vs. alligator thing] Man vs. Sasquatch [to be determined]
Man vs. Society (Down with the government)
Man vs. Supernatural (Man vs. Ghosts, Man vs. Vampires, Man vs. Sasquatch [to be determined].
Man vs. God (C’mon, no need to make Man vs. Supernatural jokes, we all know they’re there, but some people seriously believe in that stuff)
Man vs. Technology (Man vs. Robots/Cyborgs/Daleks)
Man vs. Time (I will destroy all clocks!)
And that’s it for the time being! Feel free to add or subtract anything you want. Everyone’s got their own life, so it’s not like soundtracks are going to have the same themes for everyone. Also: if you took time to write something for this, you either have a lot of free time, or had a lot of fun, or wasted a lot of time. Don’t worry, it’s all pretty good.
I'll write a real update soon. And I'll fill this out myself real soon too, my brother just got back, so I might have to do something.