I haven't cut my hair since possibly August. This is the longest it's been since fifth grade, when I officially gave up on my quest for hair down to my ankles.
Several slightly odd things have come of it: Back then it was bone straight; now it's kind of wavy. I've been relearning how to braid my own hair (not very successfully).
Anyway, while I do enjoy looking like a girl, I'm getting kind of tempted to cut it all off:
1) I like short hair
1a) I kind of want to do crazy things with it
2) I like the way people with short hair look
3) Short hair is so much more economic in terms of shampoo (okay, this may be true, but it's more of a correlation than a causation).
I'm a bit hesitant because in high school I was constantly mistaken for a boy and I didn't like it. My tomboy ethic was probably a contributing factor (believe it or not, I've started to phase out the t-shirts, even if it is mostly in favor of button-downs-- and I have been known to voluntarily wear skirts!), but so were a lot of less changeable things, like my height, broad shoulders, deep voice, angular face, etc. Reading about drag kings, I discovered that many of them have to augment their eyebrows, because eyebrows are a major sex signifier (look around!). And yep, I have very manly eyebrows. Don't get me wrong, these are all things I love about myself, but they make the slightly-androgynous-but-still-clearly-a-girl effect difficult. (I would probably have to give up my vests except with really girly shirts. D: )
In sum, if I cut all my hair off I would need to dress more femininely, which is not as big a sacrifice (or challenge) as it was three or four years ago. (I could also embrace being mistaken for a guy on occasion.)
What I want to do with it: I'm still looking around. I would love suggestions, as crazy as you like! I have vaguely considered a mohawk (last chance before I have to go out and get a respectable job!) and a
fauxhawk (this might make me a lamer, but I love the way it looks), although I'm not sure if either would look okay on me. I played with a site that allows you to add hair to a photo, and the only thing that looked anywhere near decent (exhibit B) was basically a less-mulletty version of what I had in high school (exhibit A). I've never been crazy about putting stuff in my hair (spending time on my appearance! the horror!!), but maybe it's time I learned to?
Then (starting to grow out-- also, the most natural angle of the three; I swear my chin's not that pointy!)
Frowny and blurry-- best of both worlds! (I was trying to take a neutral one for the cut-and-paste site)
the FUTURE! (?!)
In other news, Sharon and I saw The Thin Man at the film society last night and it was fucking brilliant. If I ever marry someone, please let it be a relationship exactly like Nick and Nora's. Agh! Too much cute. Too much funny. TOO MUCH WIN. DANGER, WIN OVERLOAD. I'm given to understand that there are other Nick and Nora movies; I'm going to need to seek those out posthaste.