getting better

Jun 14, 2004 11:42

well I haven't written in a while so I thought that I would let you all know what is going on. I am done talking to nicole. or at least putting forth effort to do so. If she wants to talk to me she will find me. it isn't that hard to do. I have been hanging out with jon and cody quite a bit more. that is helping. just going out and having a good ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

thenillbsmiling June 14 2004, 10:24:24 UTC
You were supposed to call me this weekend so we could do something. And ya didn't. I am very disappointed.

Glad things are turning back around for you though. You are such an awesome person. One that I am very happy to have in my life.

We need to do something again. Very soon. So you better call me. DAMNIT!

Love ya! Miss ya! *HUGS*


thenillbsmiling June 18 2004, 06:22:21 UTC
I'm really sorry about last night.

Blame it totally on me.

I guess I was a tad missleading.


babygurl42069 June 20 2004, 22:58:07 UTC
sorry i ruined your life


thenillbsmiling July 1 2004, 13:00:01 UTC
just wanted to send ya a hug cuz i can't give ya a real one right now.



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