Daily Twitters Behind the Cut...
- 07:48 Workety work work work #
- 08:40 mmmm... left over x-mas cookies and blackbottoms... so bad, yet sooo tasty... #
- 10:11 dear jeebus its only 10 am? Gah! #
- 11:17 Twizzlers! #
- 11:31 Creating backups off personal files on the work machine. Just in case... #
- 11:50 changed twitter format for LJ posting to include an LJ-cut, hopefully that keeps it from page flooding... like its been want to do lately... #
- 13:00 freakin bills! the bane of my existence. Always a bill, never enough bloody money.... #
- 13:54 doo doo doo... is it time to go home yet? #
- 14:26 build build build... building a laptop for da mama.... #
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