First of all, my apologies that this is about a week late. I honestly kept forgetting to post a new texture set... and I may also have been slightly preoccupied with a bit of a business venture. (See my
DeviantArt Beadwork Gallery for an idea of the work I've been selling at a local anime shop.)
Anyway, you're not here to hear about that. You just want the free stuff. ;Þ On to the (belated) August texture set! Twenty-four icon textures and one large texture, in tones of pink/red/purple with glittery lights.
Download @ DeviantArt No preview icons this month, I'm afraid.
Credit and comments are much appreciated, of course. Please do let me know if you like my work. (And hey, if you'd like to see more, friend
wolfbane_icons! I post texture sets fairly often.)