Sun, 11:10: Word of the Day: полнеть (day 5) - properrussian: полнеть /pɐɫˈnʲetʲ/ verb, imperfective - to gain weight, to get f…
Mon, 22:06: Merg x2 - Yo sé que soy introvertido, pero extraño la socialización. Я знаю, что я интроверт, но скучаю по социализ…
Wed, 02:05: Quarantine hair! Was kinda flirting with growing it out, now I have no choice. Kinda can't wait till I can braid it…
Sat, 17:37: Sigh - I’ve had two guys tonight stop talking to me because I won’t send nudes. This, despite the fact that I very…
Sat, 20:25: Busy day today. Got my hair cut, went out to dinner with coworkers, tried Peruvian for the first time. I'm gonna sl…