bit of a rant

Dec 01, 2006 18:06

So I'm driving to work this morning, when I decide to randomly flip through some stations and see if any Christmas carols are on. Well I let the scan stop at one station as I shift gears, and I just so happen to hear something that kind of irked me. "Guns are inannimate objects, they don't hurt people, it's the people that use them that do this. Nobody's screaming for registration of screwdrivers, yet you can stab someone with one, which has been done before. Nor is anyone screaming for registration of wood axes, even though you could bury one in your neighbors head, which has been done before."

Okay, this really irked me. For starters, ANYTHING can be used as a deadly weapon. Go ahead, try me; tell me any item, and I can tell you how to kill someone with it. The reason we aren't registering these things is because if used properly, and in the function for which they were designed, they will cause no harm to others. Guns on the other hand, were built to serve one function, to HURT and KILL!

Let's recap:
Screwdriver- tool
wood axe- chops wood
gun- kill

I know that some people use guns for target practice, hell I enjoy shooting one myself. But at the same time I have no problem with registering said rifle or pistol. The ONLY reason someone could possibly have against registering their gun would be because they are planning on using it for something illegial, and they don't want to be caught.

Now, I am not saying to get rid of guns altogether. Like I said, I enjoy shooting one occasionally, and I also enjoy hunting. But I do realize that this is a weapon that serves the purpose of killing. Essentially shooting practice is making you a more efficient killer is all, after all, you are practicing hitting a target. Then if you go out hunting, you are more skilled with the weapon, so you are a better hunter. But honestly, if you are hunting, you are killing, which once again brings us back to the SOLE purpose of the gun.

So if you want to be a killer and can handle it (I've killed and eaten many an animal), then fine, carry a gun, but register it. If you just want to have one to kill another human, then what the hell is wrong with you?

I apologize to any soldiers at war who might be reading this. War is hell, and it is the time when you are forced to kill another human. But I pray that you lay the gun down when you are home.
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