Alrighty, here's a little story that sounds too crazy to be true, but guess what, it is true; and two people I used to consider friends, I now hate for what they have done.
Jud has been my best friend since we were kids, I met him shortly after moving to this state, and we just hit it off. He's the kind of guy I'd do pretty much anything for, because if I asked, he'd do pretty much anything for me. Of course that's what real friends do, they look out for each other. Jud got married early in life, to a woman who just refused to remain faithful, and it really tore him up. So about four years back he finally got a divorce from her, and things started looking up.
A while later, he decided to start dating again, a move that his other friends and I were all about. Well, the first girl he started seeing, that wasn't gonna work becuase she was infatuated with someone else, but at least that ended clean and quick before it could get messy. About this time another girl really started showing interest in him, but being the gentleman he was he resisted, especially since she was still seventeen.
So Jessie (something polish)-Smith turns eighteeen and continues to pursue Jud till he finally relents and they start dating. Jud proceeds to take things nice and slow, and by all appearances things are going great.
(Forward TWO AND 1/2 YEARS)
Jud and Jessie are still together, and there is talk of marriage in the air. Everyone is getting kind of excited, and Jud even goes and blows quite a chunck of cash on a beautiful ring.
In steps Dale Paxton. Dale is someone we all considered a friend. He was always hanging out with us and having a good time, hell he even helped me get a job once. We'd knows Dale for about the same length of time that we'd knows Jessie (I actually knew him longer, but this story isn't about me). He actually confessed to Jud at one point that he had had feelings for Jessie, but "would never do anything because of the beautiful thing that you two have together."
So Dale finds out that Jud is getting ready to propose, and suddenly Jessie and Dale are talking on the phone at least an hour EVERY night. Jud knows this becuase by this point Jessie has been living with him for close to a year. Or maybe I should say leeching off of him, since she didn't pay for a damn thing, and tended to blow her cash on frivilous things while he made sure everything was paid for.
So these calls are going on, and Jud of course starts becoming a bit suspicious. After all, what guy talks to his buddy's girlfriend every night of the week? So he confronts Dale, who denies that it's anything and that he is doing nothing but talking about what a great guy Jud is and how lucky Jessie is to be with him. (Now these words are actually true, but that's not what he was telling her)
So Jud now has his proposal date set in his mind, and the day before it happens, everything falls apart. Jessie tells him that she "still has feelings for Jud but that she doesn't love him anymore"; and "how she now just needs a little time to think things through". So she grabs a few things and leaves.
Now Jud is really hurt. Not only was this the girl that he finally thought would be the right one, but even though she's left she has left everything of her's there to act as a constant reminder. Well a week goes by, and she decides to move out, actually move out. One of her friends shows up first (I know this because I was visiting him this day) and then Jessie shows up with... that's right Dale. Of course there is still only talk of him being there to help her move since he has a truck.
So everything gets loaded up, and Jud asks to talk to Jessie for a minute in private. The go in the other room, and Dale is all chatty, like friends are supposed to be. He tells me how he's still trying to be everyone's friend, and doesn't want to get in the middle of anything. I can respect that as I counted (past tense) Dale and Jessie amongst my friends as well.
They leave, and Jud confides in me. Jessie still wouldn't tell him why she had left him, or what was going on. Complete lack of closure. Nope she just takes off.
Jud doesn't know what to do, so he acts all gruff, but still is wanting to help her. Like he continues to gather her mail, and even pay some of her bills. (Even though she could have had her mail forwarded, and she should pay her own damn bills) She basically told him that she still wasn't sure of where she was going, but that they might not be done. Basically she put him on a hook to watch him wriggle like a worm, like the truely evil bitch that she was.
Anyway anther two weeks pass, and we hear from a reliable source that Dale is dating a girl names Jessie, and has been for about three weeks. Well we're sure that this has to be a coincidence, but it is rather disconcerting. But to lay out minds at ease, Jud gets ahold of Dale's brother (who had been hanging out with Jud a lot and was becoming another good friend), who refuses to talk about it, hence giving us an answer.
Dale then calls Jud and leaves a message about how he had forced his brother to promise to secrecy in this matter, and how Dale had wished to tell Jud himself. This is all Bullshit of course, as they had been together since Jessie first left, then just how long was Dale going to wait?
After a bit of detective work, I will now tell you what has happened.
Dale decided that he liked Jessie and was jealous of what Jud and Jessie had. He began talking to her when it was mentioned how serious there were getting. Dale then begins to ask her how can she really know if she's happy with Jud, when he's the only serious relationship she's ever had, and a person needs to have a few before they can really know if they're happy or not. After driving this point home on numerous occasions, he finally tells her that he is actually deeply in love with her and how if she were with him, it would be even better than with Jud. So enough of this kind of talk, and bam, there she goes.
Now you know why Dale Paxton is a fucking asshole and Jessie (something polish)-Smith is a raging bitch.
To have utterly betrayed someone like this, it makes me sick. I can honestly say that were they hanging on a treebranch over a thousand foot drop, and I had a rope... I'd instead look for a hacksaw. I hope they get their jollies from each other, because nobody with half a brain will trust Dale again, and Jessie gave up the best thing she ever had.