Her real failure, I think, was that she was---as you observe--- so eager to change the topic to what *she* wanted to talk about that she kept ignoring what everyone else was talking about, and therefore missed multiple opportunities to point out that Biden was making no sense. That's a failing. But I'm not sure it's a bigger failing than the guy who was making no sense.
i'm very amused. there is a quote from "the bostonians" which i'm struggling to remember which would fit perfectly here. someday i'll remember it and i'll tell it to you, and now doubt it will be completely out of context. perhaps you'll recall me saying that i would, and perhaps not.
Comments 3
so eager to change the topic to what *she* wanted to talk about
that she kept ignoring what everyone else was talking about,
and therefore missed multiple opportunities to point out that
Biden was making no sense. That's a failing. But I'm not
sure it's a bigger failing than the guy who was making no sense.
prepared) remarks, there was plenty that made as little
sense as Biden did.
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