(could I possibly be posting *less* frequently? Probably, but honestly -- I'm not going to purposefully try that on for size.)
This Thursday, 6/25, I'm going to the scout house for the dance, which should be gosh darned excellent. If you want to dance with me or in a line with me, now you know where I'll be.
In contrast, during the past month, I've been all over the place -- most notably, Europe, for a 2 week vacation. Hooray! Someday I'll have to post more info about that, but let's just summarize it by saying this: the weight-gain activities, as bountiful as they were, were equally met by the weight-loss activities, and all was wonderful. Many delightful visions and scents from flowers, buildings, and other sorts of beautiful sights; much food in the form of carbohydrate and butterfat and fresh fruit and spreads; many scones and baguettes and pastries and galettes and.... yeah, that; and a whole lot of wine of various shades... counteracted with lots of walking, and climbing, and general cavorting.
It was all very nice.
Oh, and plenty of other stuff happened, too, but I'm not going into that just now. :)
but gosh, overall it was just wonderful, all told. A much needed break...